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The Real Reason behind 9/11 - Follow the Money

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:53 PM
I'm going to set all other theories aside for a minute. It doesn't matter if 9/11 was a terrorist attack by Islamic extremists, or if it was orchestrated (and possibly faked) by the United States Government.

9/11 wasn't about attacking America, gaining control over the American people through the Patriot Act, or any other complex plot against the general population.

It was, and always will be, about the money. The almighty dollar.

Disregard for a minute WTC7, which may have been brought down by controlled demolition.
Disregard if the Pentagon was hit by an airliner, or a military drone.

Who stood to profit the most from the attack upon the United States on September 11, 2001?

Of course, there are the Stock Market Put Options which seemed rather suspicious prior to the attack. All documents relating to these unusual put options were destroyed by the US Government. However, these options, when you look at the bigger picture, pale in comparison to profits posted by the Defense Industry after 9/11.

From the Huffington Post...

In the decade since the Sept. 11 attacks, the annual defense budget has more than doubled to $700 billion and annual defense industry profits have nearly quadrupled, approaching $25 billion last year.

Military spending typically rises during wartime and falls during peacetime. But after Sept. 11, and as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan evolved, it became clear the country needed to spend money on very different military technologies and strategies.

Fighter jets, missile defenses and other Cold War-era systems designed to deal with the perceived threats of nation-states were less useful. The U.S. military had to increase its ability to find, recognize and track enemies that were scattered in many countries and dispersed among the civilian population.

So lets see, we get attacked by an adversary which requires us to develop new technology to fight...

After all, there's no money in letting the US Government sit on cold-war era technology, when you can convince them that conventional warfare will not work against an unconventional foe.

Without the Cold War or the Iraq War, defense contractors were sitting pretty idle with nothing to do, and not very much money coming in. But the 9/11 attacks brought the industry back to life.

There you have it folks. The attacks on 9/11 were quite possibly organized and planned by major defense contractors, ready to provide their "Cutting Edge Solutions" immediately after a terrorist attack on US soil. Could they have funded Islamic extremists to perform this attack? Maybe. Could they have involved high ranking officials in the US Government? Absolutely. The fact of the matter is, the only ones who truly profit from war are the people making the weapons and ammunition. And who better to start a conflict than the companies making all the weapons and ammo, since they can simply use surplus goods which were manufactured off the books. Or did you really think that Fast and Furious was just about providing guns to drug cartels? After all, don't the same people who provided guns to drug cartels claim that buying drugs is supporting terrorism? They're arming the terrorists!!!!

Now, here's the scary part. That big pot of money which resulted from 9/11? It's drying up!
From Dayton Business Journal

Congress is mandated to find $350 billion in spending cuts from the defense department spread throughout the next decade, but that does not limit the amount that can be spent in any individual year. The mandate was included in the August debt limit deal Congress cut with President Barack Obama. The situation for the defense industry could worsen though, because of a clause in the deal that says another $500 billion in defense spending cuts over 10 years would automatically kick in if the 12-person Supercommittee fails to reach a deficit-cutting deal by November. War spending also is expected to wind down.

What does this mean? The same major defense contractors are starting to lose their cash cow. Especially with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and the dysfunctional remnants of AQ and the Taliban after eradication by US forces, we're starting to run out of enemies.

The only solution is to throw the United States into a conflict which will last a rather long time...

And I believe that a major defense contractor (or more than one) has been trying for several years to make that happen, knowing full well the funding resulting from 9/11 would soon be drying up.

I won't get into too much on the possibilities, but lets take a few recent events into context...

- A computer virus (Stuxnet) is unleashed against Iran's nuclear program, sabotaging uranium enrichment. The virus, after analysis, has possible ties to Israel and maybe even the United States.

- Increasing cyber attacks worldwide originating from China.

- North Korea shells a South Korea island after claiming South Korea attacked first.

North Korea said its wealthy neighbor started the fight.

"Despite our repeated warnings, South Korea fired dozens of shells from 1 p.m. ... and we've taken strong military action immediately," its KCNA news agency said in a brief statement.

South Korea said it had been conducting military drills in the area beforehand but had fired west, not north.

...the list goes on. Attacks from multiple nations, all involving the United States or its allies.

Someone is playing BOTH sides, in an effort to throw the United States into a conflict with another nation, and boost defense spending for a long time.

September 11, 2001 was not the conclusion of a large conspiracy. It was the first stage of one.

Get ready for stage two.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:02 PM
In my opinion, if there is a bonafide conspiracy it probably will read like a season of 24. While there may have been people within the government with knowledge and complicity, I believe it will more than likely be outside sources who could pool the resources, as well as have something to gain from the events.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:06 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Cry Havoc and unleash the dollars of war.

And I remember that the disputed # of dead took a while to settle out due the number of people that claimed to be deceased in order to cash in on their life insurance policies.
Lets see... what else can we sweep under the rug of 9/11?

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Cry Havoc and unleash the dollars of war.

And I remember that the disputed # of dead took a while to settle out due the number of people that claimed to be deceased in order to cash in on their life insurance policies.
Lets see... what else can we sweep under the rug of 9/11?

This is merely an attempt at an alternative theory which I have not yet seen presented on this board. Am I saying that anyone who made money off 9/11 was automatically responsible? Of course not.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by TheLonePhantom

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Cry Havoc and unleash the dollars of war.

And I remember that the disputed # of dead took a while to settle out due the number of people that claimed to be deceased in order to cash in on their life insurance policies.
Lets see... what else can we sweep under the rug of 9/11?

This is merely an attempt at an alternative theory which I have not yet seen presented on this board. Am I saying that anyone who made money off 9/11 was automatically responsible? Of course not.

Sorry you misunderstood. I like this thread and thought I was merely agreeing with you.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Sorry you misunderstood. I like this thread and thought I was merely agreeing with you.

You bring up a good point though. Not everyone who benefited from 9/11 was obviously involved with any possible conspiracy. It is always important to step back and analyze the facts in an attempt to distinguish coincidence from conspiracy.

Edit: If no one disagreed with this theory, I would be quite worried. Please, by all means, challenge it, tear it to pieces. I pray that I am wrong. I would rather have peace.
edit on 22-9-2011 by TheLonePhantom because: Added more to reply.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 12:46 AM
Great thread OP! s&f for you!
Every now and then we get threads about the money trail but they seem to get buried under all the other topics.The defense contractors should have been among the first people to be questioned but,with the breakout of patriotism after 9/11 a lot was glossed over.The Commission was supposed to take care of any left over questions but,they did not.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:35 AM
You may be absolutely on the money so to pun.
The intelligence agencies the military, and their favourite contractors with unlimited budget could concievably do exactly what you percieve.....In fact, it may be that The Vietnam conflict was the same kind of manufactured conflict.
There again new weapons and inventions were brought out in plenty.
The venerable (now

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 06:46 AM
Take a look at the historical stock chart for:

Lockheed Martin

Northrop Grumman

Both companies have been experiencing a large amount of growth over the past 10 years.

I wish we had data beyond 10 years, so we could see how the companies were growing prior to 9/11.

If anyone has this data, please post it!

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom
Somehow your post rings true,911 was done for many reasons but in order to accomplish anything money is the most important place to start.Maybe this is why people are feeling the way they are like doom is around the corner,I for one have felt this way for a few years and this country has never been in the place its in now,it's not business as usual anymore..Disney world is closed..welcome to hell on Earth

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:26 AM
Follow the yellow brick (gold bars) road! It always leads to the real perps.

Watch the Wizard of spells it ALL out for you. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

Have you watched the Geena Davis movie called "A Long Kiss Goodnight" ?

It has a scene which may interest many people. If you have, not rent it.

I am speaking of the scene in the barn while she and Sam Jackson are tied up.

I ask you to listen closely.

This was pre-9/11 and makes a very good point.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

edit on 23-9-2011 by hdutton because: (no reason given)

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