posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Hello fellow atsers!
Let me begin by saying that I'm not one to make outrageous claims but something very weird occurred to me, so weird that I feel compelled to share my
experience with someone and perhaps get some feedback.
I was sitting in bed about a week prior to my birthday(September 13th) after an entire day of feeling just...out of it. That is the only way I know to
explain it. Now, I know the mind wanders and mine is undoubtedly over-active to say the least, but I let myself zone out and this chilling sensation
washes over me at the EXACT moment I realize that I am hearing my own voice in my head repeating: "23 and 29, 23 and 29, 23 and 29..."
Such an eerie experience. I kept telling myself in that moment that it was just a strange coincidence. Then...well, I started to analyze. Are they
dates? Just random numbers? The only thing that comes to mind is the fact that I turned 23 on my birthday. The 23rd, which is tomorrow, marks the
autumnal equinox. This date is just as unimportant to me as the 29th. My guess is...just numbers plucked from some random part of my mind. BUT the
physical and emotional feelings that accompanied my experience have left me scratching my head.
Anybody ever have a similar experience?
Anywhooo, I would like to note that I have absolutely NO prediction. I just merely felt the need to share my story as I found it odd, to say
the least. It is such a shame I had to post this in the Dreams and Predictions forum. Not sure where else I would put it...
Thank you all for being respectful of my first thread.