posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Welll i am starting to think this elenin thing is over rated. However by the time we kiss it goodbye about october 26th when it leaves its closest
point, we are going to experience something else on november 9th. A 400 m wide asteroid call ed yu55 is going to be the nearest miss we humans have
forseen from space.
there was an asteroid which came through our atmosphere , almost grazed the earth , and left again into space , back in 1976 .
yu 55 will pass about 22 000 km away from us : thats would be inside of the orbit of the moon . the moon travels near the ecliptic around the equator
though and yu 55 will go over the top of us.
thats unless a crunchy co incidence happens though , and phage refused to answer if it might have any friends with it. its coming in on its own orbit
, being one of the apollo group , and is pulling in from the asteroid belt.
so never fear , doom and gloom will always be here