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Travel into a black hole

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 04:56 PM
Travel into a black hole

Here are some video clip's I've found ,that shows you what its like to travel into a black hole ,I'm no expert on black holes but is anyone ,but i am fascinated by them ,and the whole theory of the universe being a 5D black hole.

Preparing to peer into a black hole

In this video clip ,it shows what the massive black hole at the center of the milky way might look like.

black hole light show

In this video clip it shows what you might see ,if you was orbiting a black hole ,or free falling into a black hole.

edit on 22-9-2011 by TheMaverick because: The Voices told me to

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:31 PM
You would think if the gravitation pull of a black hole were so great light could not escape, why does the light from the background stars appear to move around it, gravitational lensing, rather than simply disappearing into it like sunshine being blocked by a cloud?

I know how this may sound to someone who is educated but I have to ask.
edit on 22-9-2011 by hdutton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:47 PM
It's interesting to speculate. Why none of these speculative short (and thanks for the short) videos show us a ring instead of spaghetti-like strings of lines (vortexing) towards the black central gravitational lensing of light. A quick thought at least to me is an ever increasing speed as one approaches the event horizon, ever increasing speed either in rotation or direct deposit to me at least would distort all light to strings of trails and not a disc with a hollow center.

A lot of theories of an event horizon depict a stretching of the perception of light reaching you in strings as well as physical matter, because the matter by your feet become so much further away from your eyes as you speed to infinity. If sensory perception could still be in tact you should see infinitely long lines of light converging to a small black nothing, but lets back up for a second first.

Should you remain perceptive in the event horizon and approach and reach the speed of light special relativity indicates time elapse for you slows and at c stops, with that in mind you could be viewing the same photons of light as long as you are at c because no others would catch up to you and time has ceased to exist so the light from the photons with you will stay there and that is all you will see, in short, a freeze frame of the last thing you ever saw.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Illustronic

Just to show how ignorant I am on the subject.

Rather than see a "string" of the light moving toward a black hole, would you not still only see a point of the light from a star? I just can't envision seeing the side of a light stream, which I understand is what you are inferring.

I will admit I don't know enough to make this any kind of statement one way or another. It just seems you would need a medium such as air or atleast some dust inorder to reflect or refract the light into a visable stream.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Black holes are nonsense. There are no such things. Doesn't it strike ANYONE as funny that, black holes have so much gravity nothing can escape, not even light. Except when it does. Oh, yeah, sometimes it even shoots out. And x rays too, which by the way are just another form of light. Oh, and radio waves too. Yeah, that makes so much sense.

The astronomer Fred Hoyle once wrote of the herd mentality in his profession: “The trouble with conformity is that the process has strong positive feedback. The baaing starts up at a volume low enough to permit stronger-minded animals to think for themselves without too much trouble. Progressively, however, we break down one-by-one, losing all power of sensible judgement, to the point where we can do nothing but add our own baaing to the uproar, which eventually rises to such monumental proportions that nothing remains for the flock except the butcher's shop.”

Scientists are people and not immune to the madness of crowds. Ideas that appear folly initially may with time and a growing clamour of consensus delude people into believing it is a new "truth." Such is the story of black holes. Two years ago I criticised the theory of black holes and from the correspondence I receive, some scientists and engineers are "recovering their senses slowly, one by one."

Black holes highlight a situation, common today in astrophysics, where the object under investigation cannot be seen directly. This situation is pure heaven for the crowd of mathematical theorists who have hijacked physics from the natural philosophers and experimentalists. The sainted Einstein seems to have initiated the hijacking with that oxymoron, the “thought experiment.” But problems arise when thoughts are governed by a limited set of beliefs or dogmas and unchecked by direct observation or experiment. The result can be – and generally is – science fiction. University libraries and popular science magazines are full of it at the start of this new millennium.

The Madness of Black Holes

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Myself? Concerning Blackholes...I like the term Spaghettify.

But I don't think I'd want to try it.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 10:12 PM
I purpose blackhole travel is possible if it is a spirt doing the traveling.

I was shown this once in a dream.

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