posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 04:51 PM
Originally posted by WildWorld
How far off do you think it is from where the satellite actually is?
The only real way to know where it is, is to look at it either by radar (such as NORAD use) or by people on the ground looking at the sky (as you can
do if you're in the right place*).
Similarly, when it does come down a few hours from now, not a single one of the tracking websites will actually know, or show you.
You will only find out by a NASA announcement, or news from people on the ground who saw it. Keep an eye on twitter for such news.
* The right place to be will be the middle of the Atlantic ocean half an hour from now. or the India/Indonesia region an hour from now.
Looks like about 2 hours from now, Miami will be a good place to watch it fly overhead. This will provide confirmation that it is still orbiting.
edit on 23-9-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)