If you haven't seen them, Levi's has an ad campaign titled "Go Forth". There have been a few ads run over the last couple of years but this latest
one I found rather intriguing, especially towards the end. I based the forum I posted this in on that particular portion of the video.
I contemplated Philosophy and Metaphysics and New World Order but I decided on this forum as I preferred the discussion to be around the portion of
the video at around 0:47 seconds which emphasizes an apparent Social Issue and/or Civil Unrest.
I found this video to be rather interesting and have qualities that are derivative of some of the numerous ATS topics of an alleged impending Police
State and/or the potential for Martial Law to ensue in the event that people were to decide to protest their government that are periodically
mentioned here on ATS. I felt this video gave some interesting visions of those notions, particularly the portion I mentioned above.
Here is a YouTube query of the term "levis go forth" that will provide
you with a few other videos from the same campaign which some may also remember as the OPioneers!
Also, here is a link to the Levi's Go Forth website to get a better understanding of the purpose behind the
campaign which (to me) has a positive cause.
Just to put it out there I am not attempting to endorse this particular product however I do find the ad campaign to be rather original with a very
positive and uplifting message and perhaps a little insight on where we as a nation and a people may be headed, one way or another.