posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 02:33 AM
Something to keep in mind about being hit by space junk, or even “airplane” junk:
First for space junk; most of it will burn up on reentry, so nobody will be hit by the satellite. The small bits that do survive reentry and slow down
to a speed where they do not burn will eventually reach earth. But keep in mind the “minimum” speed they will be traveling will be critical
velocity due to gravity.
This is where space and airplane junk merge to the same thing. Any object falling from space, or from an airplane will at minimum reach critical
velocity. This velocity is different for various object based on their wind resistance characteristics. However, unless the object is something like
a parachute or feather, when it impacts it is going to do serious damage. If something like an aluminum can were to be dropped from a plane, and hit
a person, they may not die but it would be bad. Loss of limbs, shattered bones etc. The can has a very low mass to surface area ratio, but it is
fairly aerodynamic so it would still have a large amount of impact force. However something like a bit of machinery, or any “solid” item would
most assuredly mess up a person or a car. Even if you took that same aluminum can and smashed it, you would now have an impact more akin to being hit
by a cannon. As the mass to wind resistance ratio is now very large, it will gain much more speed. The mass remains the same of course but the speed
is far greater and thus the impact force is far greater.
The point here is any item that may in theory fall off an airplane or from space is going to kill a person, or at least seriously injure them. And
the same goes for a car windshield. If what ever hit that car really fell from space or an airplane, there would be a hole all the way through the
glass at a minimum, and most likely all the way through the car, and the pavement beneath. As for the woman’s story it may indeed still be true if
it did not actually hit her, but just passed by so close that she felt its shock wave in passing. This would be far more believable than actually
being struck. And as for the car window, far more likely it was from a roof top or something nearby. As it was obviously struck squarely, if it was
any sort or airplane part or space junk it would have trashed the window at a minimum and most likely far worse.
edit on 22-9-2011 by byeluvolk because: (no reason given)