posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 03:47 PM
Important Information
My details are sketchy so far but:
We are currently battling a virus. One my users opened it, and of course,
it's all over the place..
It is exploiting a vunerability that can be closed with this patch
This is an IE patch..
Remember, just because you are using some other browser, doesn't mean you can't be affected by this..And yes, I know some of you are using MACS, no
smart-alekness please!!!
It comes as an e-mail...
Subject lines to be alert for:
Subject: FW:1
or Subject: RE:1
or Subject: FW:xx (any digit(s)
or Subject: RE:xx (any digit(s)
Apparently once infected, the MAchine tries to contact, a Russian website, or server...This server is not available right now.....which is a good
thing, I think..?
When I find out more, I'll add to this
Seems to be a dud really, but we should pay attention....
And I should get back to work