posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by ChicagOpinion
When I was in college I took a course called history of the modern middle east.We had middle easterns in there and I became friends with them. Now
mind you this is right before Iran's gov. crumbled and they took our embassy hostage.
They were nice enough to explain about their religion and gov. for us, and we talked about alot of subjects.But once the Americans had been taken
hostage they clammed up and became very uncomfortable.Finally We got them to talk a bit about it,and it seemed that there was alot of issues with how
americans were perceived in other countries.
Now I'm not trying to be unamerican or anything, but our gov.has meddled in other govs affairs in that area for a very long time, The cia has set
up puppet govs and removed any that they felt didn't have 'our' best interests at heart.It has created alot of discontent in that area for us.I
don't feel someone's music should be banned from the radio just because we don't like what they have said. Can't really call ourselves a 'free'
country if we do that can we?
Nor does it make sense to become enraged at someone everytime they point out what our gov has done to create instability in that area. Even if they
did it with us unaware of what they were doing.
I'm hoping this all makes sense cause I just woke up lol, so excuse me if it doesn't. anyway thats my take on it.