He might be on to something, or have it figured out!! From The Eighth Tower by John Keel "A
Gaffney, South Carolina, was plagued by
eerie hums and strange mechanical sounds in the mid-1960s.She complained to the local police that someone was digging tunnels under her house, but a
thorough investigation yielded nothing. Another woman living in Bellmore, New York, protested that her home was haunted with buzzing and humming
that caused her to break out in a rash. The sounds were sometimes accompanied by the odor of a nauseous gas. In-vestigators heard the sounds but
could not account for
them, In Antarctica, the tiny group of scientists living there
62 reported hearing the sounds of heavy machinery far out on the snowy plains. During my own investigations into the mountains of northern New
Jersey, I wandered uncomfort-ably through old caves half-filled with water after local resi-dents had told me of hearing the sounds of pulsing
machines. Further north, people living
in the Catskill Mountains told DrBerthold Schwarz of hearing sourceless mechanical sounds at the height of the
1966UFO wave. We have, in fact, hun-dreds of reports from all over the world describing myste-rious engine noises, buzzes, hums, hisses, and musical
bell-like sounds coming from unseen sources.Asound like the dirge of a giant pipe organ has been heard infrequently in Yellowstone Park for a hundred
years. Lakes from New
York's Finger Lake region to Africa are occasionally haunted by thunderous explosions like cannon shots.
To he UFO cultists these sounds are supposed to be coming from the marvelous space ships of mysterious extraterrestrial travelers. Another group (and
it is a large group) sees these things as evidence of the existence of 'Deros'- detrimental robots who live in the bowels of the earth and are up to
no good. The Aurora Borealis is sometimes accompanied by buzzing and crackling sounds, probably electrical in origin like the buzzing created by radar
waves. And some of these sounds are undoubtedly produced by pockets of high-frequency waves,
which not only set up vibrations but also charge the air with ozone and nitrogen dioxide, an acrid gas that could producesuch effects as those
observed at Bellmore. The earth's magnetic field is probably the culprit in many
cases of seemingly inexplicable phenomena. Our planet is
pockmarked with magnetic anomalies and aberrations. In
many places, a compass will not point north at all. The needle
will even swing in a continuous circle. Sea charts carefully
mark those places where compasses are unreliable.
1950s specially equipped planes of the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey made geomagnetic maps of a large part of the country,
the anomalies and aberrations. Interestingly,
many of the most spectacular UFO events of the past decade
have centered around these anomalies.
Ancient priests and builders must have known about the
earth's magnetism and its strange flucruations. They located
their temples, momds, and pyramids in the dead center of
magnetic anomalies. And they laid out long, arrow-straight
tracks or 'leys' between these magnetic points."
www.scribd.com...edit on 21-9-2011 by nitro67
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