Monday Sept 26th
5:13pm chat with SkepticOverlord
SkepticOverlord joined the room.
SkepticOverlord: o_O sparse chat room today
1FullHouse: Good afternoon SO. » Got a case of the Mondays/
PhilosophyOfPeace: Hello SO I think you scared a few ppl away lol » This last clue is really tough
SkepticOverlord: once you (or someone) figures it out, you're going to kick yourself » I actually thought it was one of the easier clues
Sage2000: hahahaha
PhilosophyOfPeace: I've kicked myself more than once already lol 1
1FullHouse: its gonna be a d'oh moment again
SkepticOverlord: 1FullHouse: the collective groan from the Game forum will be heard as far away as GodLikeProductions
Sage2000: I dont do self-infliction but I kicked my ferret, my son, my truck, and looking to kick someone else
1FullHouse: Hahaha!
PhilosophyOfPeace: lmao
1FullHouse: dont kick me sage » please
PhilosophyOfPeace: lol
1FullHouse: SO, can you say how far along in the game we are?
1FullHouse: hard to say, really
Sage2000: SO: Can you tell me if ANY of the tweets still left up mean anything
OR that the tweets that were removed means we have everything from them we could glean?
SkepticOverlord: first you need all the journal pages, Sage2000: you have everything
1FullHouse: first! » so that's like phase 1
coldfiremx: SO i had dream that I was a character in the plot of the journal entries(story)
SkepticOverlord: coldfiremx: it's okay, I wrote it so you can imagine my dreams » the ending has a surprise twist
PhilosophyOfPeace: Don't tell it was all a dream lol
1FullHouse: LOL
SkepticOverlord: PhilosophyOfPeace: not even close, in fact, almost the opposite
coldfiremx: two time bubbles collided with our line and another
and made the whole world all weird and different, it was like a big EMP blast,
but I don't wanna waste your time with that nonsense
SkepticOverlord: gotta run
SkepticOverlord left the room. (Logged out)
PhilosophyOfPeace: Hello again SO
IntegratedInstigator: hello there
Marshall Twinie: hi SO
SkepticOverlord: TWISTEDWORDS finally got it
1FullHouse: oh thanks god
SkepticOverlord: new clue should be cycling in shortly
PhilosophyOfPeace initiates facepalm
IntegratedInstigator: his post isnt very descriptive
InTheFlesh1980 joined the room.
PhilosophyOfPeace facepalm complete
kai22: Hey SO
SkepticOverlord left the room. (Logged out)
edit on 26-9-2011 by Marshall Twinie because: to fix a run in the code and missing letter