posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:40 PM
Ah the beauty of Canada. Yes we have oil and damn plenty of it
we will use it, and we will sell it , that is what this resource is for, it's
part in our survival, and a stepping stone to alternative energy. There is more about than just the oppression of women in SA, the concept of the
thread I believe is the attempt from the Saudi's to oppress our own rights and freedoms. To anyone who believes that Saudi Arabia isn't in this for
financial reasons as well as Canada is dillusional.
The sleeping giant ( Oh Canada) has been a QUIET thorn in the Saudi's side for years, they are well aware of the oil we have, the environmental
stance we hold( yes we are green friendly), and how we assert ourselves in looking for new technology. They have every reason to worry! Good for Sun
News Network for keeping this story alive and good for Ethical Oil for creating our " Once upon a time".