posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Well they say that fighting solves everything, and that punch he threw it seemed to solve there little dispute that they had quickly.
You know this reminds me that maybe we need to institute duels again into politics and the elites, you know the old sword-fights for honor, and to
find out who is wrong or right. Or the take 6 steps and turn around and shoot each-other that they did back in the day in the USA and other places in
It would solve one problem at least, there will be less elites, politicians, and all kinds of people who want to make rules that everybody but them
has to life by.
And it would bring the old saying "put you money were your mouth is" literally into fact and code.
Really I am starting to think that it would be a good thing, at least that way in politics we would only get politicians who are willing to fight and
die for there believes and policies instead of what we have today. Getting other peoples kids to die for there believes and policies. And it would
make sure that only if there serious about there policies and laws will they be willing to step to the podium or the levers of power and put more then
there money were there mouth is.
And who know maybe we might actually get them all to agree on something, instead of the constant bickering going on and off-course the show that that
they perform.
You know peoples there are very good reasons why Damocles sword must hang over those in power or those who want to make the rules all of us must
abide by. Because power left unchecked and unbalanced and unstained has so far always lead to corruption. It might as well be a law of physics up
there with, what goes up must come down.
I think it is way past time to look again at what some of the ancient societies and peoples did, and all that they deemed important enough to put into
writing and even stone, for others to know look at after they are dust. Because it is all there for a reason, and it would of not have changed all
that much from the reasons we have today.
sword of damocles