originally posted by: watchitburn
I am a Psychopath, does that make me a bad person?
There are those judgmental folks who would think/imagine that you are a 'bad person'.
They are identifying their judgment and vanity on you.
It is easier to point at others and hate our reflections safely, imagining 'others'.
You seem to identify with the judgments of 'others', also.
We learn to do that from day one.
Sometimes crazy people harm others. Some people consider that 'bad'.
So, therefore, it is, to 'them', at least!
But a law of the Universe says that;
"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective." First Law of Soul Dynamics
So if one sees you as 'bad', at the moment, guaranteed that another sees you as 'good'.
All 'apparent opposites' resolve in Truth.
It's not as if we have any choice at all in who and what we are, at any moment, ever.
No 'free-will/choice', so what's the point of judging 'others/Self'?
All judgment is Self judgment!
All hate is Self hate!
All Love is Self Love! *__-
Unconditional Love heals psychosis.
edit on 14-10-2016 by namelesss because: (no reason given)