Why are you attaching to a label? Is this label self or other defined as in given and accepted or read and self diagnosed.
Do you have sucidial ideation or want to see others suffer without any conscience or remorse for any action you may do... do you lie to yourself in
self rationalization? Feel dehumanized and separate from being human like wearing a mask not knowing who you really are as a person?
The reason I ask these things is thats psychopathology.
It is an extreme of what society does to people, in fracturing them with all sorts of confusing belief structures to developing minds. What happens is
a person ends up coping with life in survival mode to where they shut down into an animalistic state of being that runs on instinct and accepts the
preditor prey cycle and become both victim and abuser with blunted and flat emotions or a huge cloud of them as indistingushable.
Typically such arises from someone that has has severe trauma and is living with PTSD from it.
Of course many people live in made up fantasy ideals and labels of various sorts from hey Im this that or the other in seeking some identity and then
play pretend or assume that role and the live drama chosen or thrust upon them as that label is what starts defining their life as they start living
out that dramatic role.
Of course severe trauma arises from being around psychopaths themselves even though they may be running around undiagnosed as such.
How someone copes to stress is sometimes those roles themselves because they are accepted and understood, yet they can become an extreme in living or
belief depending how much they swallow or live that lie.
So its all about coping... theres healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with stress and suffering. If youre self medicating and it is hurting others
around you that love and care about you that have nothing to do with trying to make you be that fake plastic person te want or expect you to be but
accept you for who you are... then listen to those people, talk to those people... they know suffering but they respect who you are as an individual
beyond all that trauma or suffering that has made you numb or blunted to life, amd theyll care about you enough to let you have time to shed that
trauma and poor coping mechanisms.
If your environment is toxic to you forcing you to cope in any way you can to escape... then change that scenery, get away from it as theres no
healing to be found in it.
There is a huge difference in self medication and recreation with drugs... self medication is that coping and when coping around stressors it leads to
more and more of what youre trying to get away from, in recreation youre away from all that life is good, friends accept you for you and you accept
them for them, and you start building a life instead of coping with one.
I hope you consider what Ive said here having come up through this crap myself the absolute hardway, with constant control and abusers yet I was the
one made to feel screwed up and crazy... well reject that nonsense that isnt you, thats the downward spiral and those sorts want clones of themselves
and just as miserable as they are never had a life so they want to live it through you, or have zero control over themselves in their psychopathology
that they try to control everything else not them... because they know they cant, many such people turn to faith and make believe as coping because
they are accepted delusions, society has giving a stamp of approval on that but if youre a realist? Then how you cope isnt going to be acceptable
because thhe posion you pick to be happy isnt the one people say you can pick to be happy so it becomes prescribed and studied.
Silly thing is the largest argument against self treatment something Freud did btw... self injecting coc aine and self analyzing. He linked or
blamed all his issues on being in love with his mother and very anally fixated and everything led to sex. The man was certifible yet thats what most
psychology is based on... BS nonsense of that dude, of course some systems he developed have some merit like um talking to someone about your problems
but duh right? Thats a given. Of course transpersonal like Jung is a bit more understanding that its all make believe and what make believe has one
attached to as a coping mechanism thats causing them issues, of course he had dogmatic make believe too.
Nothing wrong with opinions and belief if one is realistic about them see how they affect not only themselves but others... many stop halfway and only
say it helps me and then try to recruit everyone else and hate everything not that or believes the same pretend game of life.
Science also has this fault with studies when corellation does not lead to causation its just agenda not science. Theory of mind is a whole lot of
corellation and derp on causation except factors and how someone has learned to cope with those factors... they can be detrimental or beneficial... if
they dont help you nor anyone else then its likely not good... but if they do either singular or in large groups that belief is still varied and
personal yet under one banner.
You know that yourself saying youre a psychopath but not a psychopath... then made a connection to someone you think is as a please dont attack me not
all psychopaths kill... and well youd be right, people will mental illness are more typically to be victimized from all the trauma than victimizer. Of
course the labels get scape goated all the time for people running around pretending to be normal...
So hey it is what it is, and I hope this has helped you and others in some manner... sure a lot of people wont like it, because its reality and its
the truth of reality as it is found and expressed in the world. Cognitive dissonance means an inability to see any view or perspective other than ones
own and not empathize with anyone not sharing that view and even when proof otherwise beyond a shadow of a doubt will still deny it for their make
believe bubble... thats called sociopathology though and yeah try growing up with a combo of those being abusers mentally, sexually and physically...
its a hurdle that took over 2/3rds of my life to get over.
But hey couldnt be in a better place with myself if I tried... I think you should try to be in a better place with yourself beyond attaching to labels
and trying to play the role... self diagnosed maybe? and now self medicating? So youre playing psychiatrist and pharmacist and when that catches up?
You wont be Freud youll be seeing what youre playing right now in a self fullfilling drama with real psychiatrists and pharmacists... um dont do
that... if you must pick a label? Choose something else and play pretend like most everyone else, or seek out reality as it is beyond all that make
believe for reality itself...
edit on 13-6-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)