posted on Apr, 23 2003 @ 02:42 PM
Hello boys and girls, I'm Mr. Conspiracy, the cute little bear in the trenchcoat....Today we are talking about the Shadow Government
The Shadow Government is, ofcourse, a backup government. They are stationed in the Mount Weather underground bunker facility, but actively, most of
the government members live a normal life as regular joes, while secretly they could get a phone call any moment to hear that they were called in to
replace the dead, or rebelling government group. The Shadow Government is funded and maintained by the
Federal Emergancy Management Agency
(FEMA). FEMA has roughly 5-7 different Executive Orders backing up it's abilities, including maintaining secret underground bunkers and facilities,
suspend the constitution
, call martial law, take over presidental power or political power if something goes wrong, and make a shadow
government to step in. This is really not somethingto fear, though is sounds frightening and bad, but its not. It's to protect our government from a
collapse. If a nuke hits Washington DC, the shadow government can step in. And at the same time, if lets say, the congress forms a militia to rebell
against the system, FEMA can take over power. Well Kiddies, I guess it's Mr. Conspiracy's time to go!