Taking Tesla out of The Philadelphia Experiment is a wise move.
Wonder if Tesla advocates put Tesla in after the original story.
The mentioning of Tesla anywhere has to be eliminated if anti Tesla
cartel agents know their worth. So even dis information about Tesla
has to be eliminated. No time travel or other dimension travel with
UFOs by Tesla anymore.
ED: ManBearPig by Gore on South Park must be too miss informational
for even the Illuminati to feed us but the carbon market should open
soon with Gore as the king instead of Tesla free energy.
Tesla: Set My Energy Free in a free energy Market.
ED: Are those actual Tesla radiographs because the bones are black.
Bones are white in X-Rays. X-Rays make everything in is path conductive.
I think from reading some of Mr. Lyne comments the calcium in bones
might light up from X-Rays. I wonder if for that brief instant our bones
light for the photographic plate.
ED: Check the FBI memos. First Tesla dies on the 3rd then on the
5th they say they made a mistake and Tesla died on the 4th.
Also among the interviewed friends Tesla levitated metal plates.
What was Tesla doing Jan 1943, probably going to sue Germany
over the Foo technology he read about in the papers.
edit on 9/19/2011 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)