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Are 9/11 conspiracy theorists just helping the Terrorists?

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posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 12:55 PM


No discussion of 7-Eleven let alone 9/11 is complete without mentioning the fact that Israel is the leading exporter of terrorism and the inventor of modern terrorism.

Zionism only comes in one flavor - Radical Zionism.

The Zionists have lied to us since the day they came into existence.

Israel has lied to us since the day it came into existence.

9/11 was good for Israel.

9/11 has allowed the Zionists who control the USA to make Zionism the official ideology of America and to justify the murder of over one million Mulsims which Zionists think is good for Israel and they have come out and said that.

This thread draws the focus away from the fact that Zionism has damaged the US more than any other ideoloogy including Communism which is the sister ideology of Zionism (read about Rabbi Moses Hess).

The Zionists / Israeli are the masters of false flag and have carried out operations like 9/11 on a smaller scale around the world for decades.

The Zionists murdered Americans before 9/11 then lied about it.

Israel is spying on the US right this minute and is ready to lie once again and deny it.

This is what they do. This is what they are.

Blame Israel First

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 01:09 PM
As they say, fix your own house before you try to fix others, and America doesnt go to war based on lies for nothing, the governement is bought and paid for by the zionists long ago.

In answer to you question "Are 9/11 conspiracy theorists just helping the Terrorists?", NO, not when the main terrorists are in the American government, so you might be better asking yourself are you helping the terrorists?

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

What is treasonous is that those that are seeking the truth are now being ostracized and considered government dissenters.....and now even considered abetting the Enemy !

What's Treasonous is that no one was held accountable for allowing the attacks occur.
Not a single person was fired.

Even after several foreign govt. intelligence agencies had warned GW Bush, even as late as August 2001 in his daily Briefing.

Yes, I'd call that absurd and even treasonous that not a a single person was remotely held accountable.

And as I had said, its even more treasonous that those seeking answers are being type cast, discredited and demeaned.

Which is indicative of nothing more than a coverup...a coverup of treasonous acts.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

What Terrorists!?!?!? Dont even say Islamic because that is a religion

Only terrorists I ever see and hear about is the US government. Fact
edit on 18-9-2011 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

1. What would be the point of killing a bunch of Americans and Vietnamese people? I mean what good would that do them? It would just mean less slaves right?

2. Which didn't work, in fact Vietnam started the counter-culture movement. Breed our distrust in our American Politicians and help birth the conspiracy theory crowed. It even got us JFK who was about to stop the war and end the Fed, to bad he died before he could.

3. They wouldn't have needed to drag American in to perpetuate the war, if the TPTB were really as powerful as you guys say and wanted to sell weapons. Why not just use propaganda to keep the French who were already there to stay in the war? Oh sure they could have dragged in America to up the profits by why allow France to leave?

So, you get the birth of the Counter Culture movement, The voting in of JFK, and the American people thinking twice about trusting their leaders. Doesn't sound so much like a victory for them. Another thing, why Vietnam? Why not start a war in a country that was more resource rich, you know kill two birds with one stone. Hell if they really wanted to kill a bunch of Americans and sell a ton of weapons, why not let the cold war become a hot one? That would have depopulated the hell out of the world and start in a whole new era of arms dealing. He would have let them use the nukes all the wanted.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Double post, oh no.

edit on 9/19/2011 by Mcupobob because: Dp. No not that DP sicko.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 12:21 AM
Must say the quality of replies in this thread to an earnest and timely question , just confirms my suspicions of the motives and backgrounds of "some" of those who incessantly knock the west here on ATS.

Iam in fact relieved I have not been sucked into the whirlpool of illogical and fervent rabidly aggressive 9/11 conspiracy thought.

Some of the pathetic nasty obvious troll responses to the OP who has remained polite at all times just denegrates their arguments impact further ...if thats possible.

Oh well its been educational.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
Must say the quality of replies in this thread to an earnest and timely question , just confirms my suspicions of the motives and backgrounds of "some" of those who incessantly knock the west here on ATS.

Iam in fact relieved I have not been sucked into the whirlpool of illogical and fervent rabidly aggressive 9/11 conspiracy thought.

Some of the pathetic nasty obvious troll responses to the OP who has remained polite at all times just denegrates their arguments impact further ...if thats possible.

Oh well its been educational.

Look!...This is a conspiracy site!!!

Many people join ATS because things they see in the REAL world not adding up to what it is supposed to

Sooo, they look for alternative media outlets to seek the answers, Hence being here.....

Because, believe it or not, on ATS there is a community of like minded people who seek truths that are hidden or obfuscated by the ptb

it looks bad on ATS (imo) all these straight BS talking, MSM loving, government trusting people posting ....

it don't make sense to me....all these none conspiracy believers on a Conspiracy site.......

I need to re-think about using ATS for research as I believe its losing its reputation as an alternative media outlet

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
Must say the quality of replies in this thread to an earnest and timely question , just confirms my suspicions of the motives and backgrounds of "some" of those who incessantly knock the west here on ATS.

I'm from the UK btw

I hate the fact i'm a born westerner, it stinks being a free thinker in the western world, seeing 1st hand corruption and mass mind control via NLP it can get very frustrating

I have travelled to 17% of the countries in this beautiful world ...............over three continents, I can tell you from experience that the West is the greediest, fattest, stupidest most ignorant of all places.......and I live here

I'm entitled to knock it!
And don't say : if you don't like it, "why don't you move then"?

Tptb have made it almost impossible to relocate because of the Wars and other political problems they cause by being the big bully boy they are!....The stigma attached to a westerner now means a lot of them countries I visited in the past are no go areas now!!.....Thanks!!

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 04:47 AM
It depends on your definition of terrorism. If a terrorist is a person who sets off bombs, killing civvies, etc, then there's a whole lot of GUILTY terrorists wearing Western combat uniforms. We have all seen the result of 'misguided' missile strikes and other scumbag acts ordered by morally bankrupt 'leaders'. It's terrorism, pure and simple. There's no way to justify the killing of civvies in their own homes, shops and communities.

You really have to wonder who the true terrorists are.

9/11 is an important cog for the eternal, money making war machine.

posted on Sep, 20 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
From the outset I will declare only a minimal knowledge of all the so called false flag theories on this forum.
Just asking the question , if the 9/11 tragedy wasn't an inside /Israeli/ new world order/alien conspiracy, then surely all this endless finger pointing at the USA powers, and government is bordering on treason?

Theres Bin laden pulling off an audicious terror strike and he sits back as millions of conspiracy theorists , shout to the heavens how they believe it was their own nation that was behind it all.

What a brilliant outcome for the islamist warriors?

Personally I find it absurd.

In fact delusional perhaps.

Just an opinion based on my own logic and observation of the events.

It was lax security that caused it, there is still lax security all over the west.

The strange thing is how few other terror attacks haven't occurred since in the west.

Hi mr. Shill agent.
Yes your right the Official story is correct We know.

You doing ok in the public relations department? They have good coffee and working water cooler up there?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Many of the respondents to this thread apppear to have a pathological "need "for the 9/11 tragedy to have been an inside job of some proprtion.

Anyone who isn't so needy is attacked and insulted in very vengeful mode.

Where this pathological need stems from is something only those afflicted can answer.

But lets allow members such as myself the democratic right to express their opinion ...or else Facism is the friend of ATS?

posted on Sep, 21 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Treason?? Since treason is an attempt to OVERTHROW a government how can questioning the government be treason?? Questioning those that rule and keeping them in check is what the CONSTITUTION does by its checks and balances, freedoms allowed it citizens to SUPPLANT a government gone bad and express themselves and bear arms against elements of the government that go bad.
Treason is what has been practiced out in the open since 1913 when foreign interests were given power to OVERTHROW the government by economic means and the U.N. was given power to overthrow the constitutional republic of the United States of America via political means - meaning with POLICY!
The current president and his successors are in effect guilty of treason by the true definition. In fact they practice treason every day against the constitutional government.
Your implication is leaning toward what occurs in a Fascist or Totalitarian state, where questioning those in power is considered treason which is correct since they are tyrants and you desire to overthrow their tyrannical rule in the interest of freedom, liberty and justice.
What is occurring regarding 9/11 is a criminal investigation. In a criminal investigation you are compelled to follow the evidence lest YOU be found guilty in the obstruction of justice. If you so much as attempt to conceal or destroy evidence you are rightly and correctly prosecuted for that crime. We have had many many in the media conceal evidence, suppress evidence, lie, act suspiciously when confronted with evidence. Yet we are still hung up on help Al Qaeda?? This is lunacy!
Do you see why? Because even if Al Qaeda is real, we do not know that they are responsible based on the evidence! The government was not attacked during 9/11 despite what they told you. Buildings were attacked and the people in the buildings were killed. That's what we know. In directing suspicion to secretive groups in the government we are not trying to OVERTHROW the government any more than weeding you garden is an attempt to destroy your tomato plants. I'm really dissapointed in the intellectual fragility of these types of posts. They simply parrot mind viruses spread via CORRUPT POLITICIANS ( WEEDS ) and the MEDIA ( WEEDS ).

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by jamiebenzy

I can feel your passion for the west to be responsible for this tragedy...but has it occurred to you there is not one iota of real evidence to even satisfy the most rabidly anti western islamic mufti judge?

All the supposed evidence is in the imaginations and longing hearts of cynical men, and of course those who are at war with the USA, which I dare not suggest is the majority of the pro conspiracy hordes.

It reminds me of the early UFO conspiracies, they have all been debunked and exposed.

There are real terrors in this world, yet most stay stum on these issues.

We as conspiracy theorists need to move on and look around, the world is changing very quickly.

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