posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 11:41 AM
It's interesting that they can do that but the appalling conditions of the enclosures sickened me. Look at all the filth and trash in the enclosure.
There should never have been any way for people to throw cigarettes in there. Apart from the health hazard, there is the fire hazard. I'm not a
fan of zoos in general but I understand some serve as refuges for animals who are endangered in their native habitat or otherwise unable to live free
due to other reasons. I understand Indonesia isn't considered a wealthy country but in this day and age, given that none of us exist in a vacuum and
can exchange knowledge and technology between countries, their zoo managers should at least have a working knowledge of how to set up basic barriers,
signs, and hire sufficient personnel to protect their animals from passing idiots. If they can't manage that much it is a disgrace and reflects
poorly on them and they should not even bother. That being said, the National Zoo in DC is no gem, either. The press and the public have been open
about discussion of its poor management issues to no avail. But at least the last time I was there, the renovated areas were clean, the visitors were
respectful, and the animals weren't taking smoke breaks.