posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Originally posted by MysticPearl
How about lying on national tv when giving a state of the union address?
everything is illegal. there are more law & statutes than lawyers can keep up with, even though many specialize in 1 specific area of law.
in your home workshop area - collected bits of wire, batteries, some Radio Shack parts & pieces, electrical tape, a few different tools like wire
cutters - oh no! bomb making material! off to jail.
in your wallet - your drivers license (which you got at 16, 17?) is maybe off 1-2 inches, 'X' amount of LBS? whoops! falsified documents. off to
in your garage - some empty plastic jugs, duct tape, leftover copper pipe from a repair job? - great ooglie mooglie! items used to make paraphernalia
for smoking substance. into the klink you go.
everything is illegal. we can all be jailed at the drop of a hat.