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The 8 U.S. Cities Where Minorities Have Now Become the Majority

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:04 PM
Came across this and thought it quite interesting. The landscape of America has definitely changed and doesn't look to be stopping anytime soon.

Now I know what many have to say about the influx of immigrants and there are quite a few that want it stopped. The real issue is that it can't and won't be stopped. So the question is how to deal with it when the Social programs are overloaded and many see their taxes going to support this.

Here we have another take on it from what I can see. The Social programs are actually crippling the will of immigrants. Too easy to get it and the US never says no to anyone. So is it not a better solution to cut some of these programs or at least not make it so easy to do nothing rather than hating the non-white down the street for doing the same as the white guy across the road?

Don't get me wrong here. This goes for the Caucasian population as well. They are just as guilty of lining up for a hand out when they really don't need to but because they can. And again, many DO need these programs and suffer because the money is gone from the coiffures.

This is an issue that goes round and round with no clear-cut answer but the reality of it is that it's a train that will eventually come to the end of the tracks...for immigrants and non-immigrants equally.

An interesting quote from

Friedman argued that if one were to promote the natural dissolution of ethnic economic disparity, and allow the free market to dictate an employee’s worth, then the size of government and its ability to intercede “on the behalf of others” would naturally decrease because of the realization that it actually hurts those it is supposed to help. When that happens, the markets will be freer to operate and they will generate more prosperity for all workers.

This is what I find most interesting. Helping immigrants to the point of disabling them in their goal of equality with social programs and benefits etc. This made me think.

This raises some interesting questions, but perhaps the most interesting one is posed by 24/7 Wall St. when they ask whether or not the population shifts have “any implications that state and federal governments should consider to better address economic and other concerns.”

This question is particularly interesting because, according to several welfare state studies, minority groups are at an unfortunate disadvantage in regards to economic and social measures like unemployment, education and median income.

This is not new; it has been the case for many years. However, what must be stressed is that this is not because of an inherent racism in America (as some would insist). On the contrary, several conservative economists, most notably Milton Friedman, posit that it is because of a misguided compassion (as opposed to racially-charged viciousness) in the form of government intervention that this economic disparity has been prolonged and exacerbated.

When one disrupts the natural state of the marketplace with things like minimum wage laws, no matter how good the intention, they disrupt the natural advancement of the worker (minority or not). (Ronald Reagan said it best when he quipped: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”)

The ethnic landscape of America’s cities has changed dramatically in the past decade. Populations of 22 of the 100 largest cities now have minority groups that together are in the majority. Of course, the question is not whether the change is bad — it is not. Instead, the question is whether it has any implications that state and federal governments should consider to better address economic and other concerns. Read more: The Eight Cities Where Minorities Are Now in the Majority - 24/7 Wall St.

The rapid immigration of white populations into the U.S. ended 90 years ago and has been replaced by an influx of Asian and Hispanic immigrants, many of whom now have been here for more than a generation. Similarly, a century ago the black population was concentrated primarily in the Deep South. Many blacks migrated north for industrial jobs in the 1920s and 1930s. Growth in the black population has added to the ethnic diversity of many large northern cities. Read more: The Eight Cities Where Minorities Are Now in the Majority - 24/7 Wall St.

I won't post them all. Visit the link to see the rest but it truly is an amazing study. Here is #1 and #8.

1. Washington, DC
> White pop. 2000: 55%
> White pop. 2010: 49%
> Pop. increase 2000-2010: 785,987
> Minority pop. change 2000-2010: +727,968
> White pop. change 2000-2010: +58,019

8. Jackson, MS
> White pop. 2000: 53%
> White pop. 2010: 48%
> Pop. increase 2000-2010: 41,860
> Minority pop. change 2000-2010: +42,630
> White pop. change 2000-2010: -770

What are the cities and numbers between 1 & 8?

edit on 13-9-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:10 PM
First of all...I think this is great's good that the country is becoming more diverse.

Second...Whites are still by far the largest SINGLE even drop to 49%....they have to group all the people with differnet color skin into one group.

I don't know why...but it creeps me out when people get freaked out over losing the majority based on their skin color.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:13 PM
Your statements start off really biased. America, as in the land, started off with Native Americans as its first settlers, not caucasians.

They were 95% Americans were killed off and a police state led by 'white' people formed some 235 yrs ago.

You refer to minorities, immigrants, then white people, as if they latter aren't immigrants too. Around 85% of Americans are still of Irish/German heritage.

I do think theres a serious problem with the 1million per year in illegal immigrants staying un USA, and that has piled up so far to around 30 million illegals in USA, of mostly central-south american (hispanic) descent.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
I don't know why...but it creeps me out when people get freaked out over losing the majority based on their skin color.


I grew up in a multicultural city and us kids didn't even think of color but rather who had the best marbles or which girl was the prettiest.

Never saw skin color.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by ignant
Your statements start off really biased. America, as in the land, started off with Native Americans as its first settlers, not caucasians.

They were 95% Americans were killed off and a police state led by 'white' people formed some 235 yrs ago.

You refer to minorities, immigrants, then white people, as if they latter aren't immigrants too. Around 85% of Americans are still of Irish/German heritage.

I do think theres a serious problem with the 1million per year in illegal immigrants staying un USA, and that has piled up so far to around 30 million illegals in USA, of mostly central-south american (hispanic) descent.

I was referencing the articles and agreeing that Social Programs being so free and easy are killing the drive of immigrants. The article actually talks only about immigrants and I disagreed with that. I believe that it extends beyond color, race, creed, etc to both immigrants and non-immigrants alike.

How is that biased?

edit on 13-9-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:44 PM
I have no problem with the minority. I have a BIG problem with the illegal minority and the government doing nothing about it. If the US government really wanted to create jobs they would hire hundreds of people to find and deport them thus creating jobs there and freeing up jobs where the illegal were working.
But that's just my opinion. I know a lot of you say `Let them all in.. Every single one of them and the great USA and its citizens with shower them with free living`. I personally am totally against that ideal. But don't listen to me Im just another poor white American male last on the list to get a job. Minorities first because businesses get tax breaks for hiring them.

Honestly I can not wait till its all over. 2012, Yosemite volcano, Comet, Planet X or whatever I just wish it would hurry up.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:06 PM
It is happening everywhere, look at Toronto for instance, 47% of the population (2006 est) is of visible minority, probably now its closer to 50 % but its the change of the landscape,

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
First of all...I think this is great's good that the country is becoming more diverse.

Please explain why this is great news. I bet people from the U.K. would probably argue it's not working out so well.

Why is it considered bad now to appreciate borders, language, and culture?

This whole globalist mentality is out of control, it's destroying America....

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Signals

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
First of all...I think this is great's good that the country is becoming more diverse.

Please explain why this is great news. I bet people from the U.K. would probably argue it's not working out so well.

Why is it considered bad now to appreciate borders, language, and culture?

This whole globalist mentality is out of control, it's destroying America....

America has no "culture" of it's's culture is a mix of all those that have come here.

Adding to that "culture" is great in my opinion.

The more the merrier...I would just open up the borders if I was in charge. I'd probably give some land back to the natives as know...since our ancestors stole it from them.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Im sure in your little Teletubby world opening the boarders would be a marvelous event and everyone would hug and cheer. But just for a small moment `I don't want to keep you` lets take a look into reality.
If the US opened the border to any and everyone `which they pretty much do anyways` America would be over ran with poor, criminals on the run, fathers trying to get away with not paying child support `I know a Mexican that did that` drug cartels.... Not to mention all those terrorist that hate Americans would be able to just waltz in here and set up shop.
But it sounds like you would love to have an American hating terrorist living next to you.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

The borders are already wide open...

We certainly have plenty of our own unique culture here in Louisiana, I for one am not jumping for joy at giving all of that away to somebody that doesn't give a crap about it.

If you put too much water in the tea, it isn't tea anymore.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by ignant
Your statements start off really biased. America, as in the land, started off with Native Americans as its first settlers, not caucasians.

They were 95% Americans were killed off and a police state led by 'white' people formed some 235 yrs ago.

You know the FIRST AMERICANS! where a Caucasian people that where later wiped out by the people who now claim to be the "native Americans"(well first Homo Sapien Sapien's). All the Euro-Caucasians did was claim our rightful inheritance.

Be grateful we shown more mercy to those who butchered our kin down to the last child,then what was shown to our kin.

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