posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 03:56 PM
So the basic jist is that you are Ok with removing any and all restrictions on how "enemy combatants" are dealt with in POW camps. Sounds like a
powerful domino effect. If you remove doctrines, like that of the Geneva Convention, you then remove a lot of your own personal liberties which seems
to fall in line with the Bush camp. Liberties are not limited to the freedoms that you have. Liberties also are there to protect you. My fear is
that soon, any one who speaks against the governmant will ultimately be deemed an enemy combatant and if and when that happens, we should all move to
Switzerland. If America chooses to take a moral high ground, as we so often do, then we most postulate that image on a consistant basis, not just
when we feel like it.