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The Weapon: Human

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posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:26 AM
What if a superior race were to make its way here. Lets say they needed us or something we are made of for food, and lets say we knew this. So how would we defeat them? Maybe the group that has this information knows the value of it and has kept it secret. Lets say this group has been preparing themselves and the world for this alien harvest for hundreds of years possibly.

They would find ways to keep themselves safe...
They would build up the population as to satisfy the visitors...
They would then poison Humanity with radiation, spiritual volitility, disease, and so on...
They would then hide and hope the Aliens are stupid enough to take the tainted sacrafice back to their ship where they would be infected, or radiated, or depressed by the Human weapon...

Sounds far fetched, but its actually of truth, and the reason I have written it so dully is because it is based in fact, and I am scared of being exposed. There are only 2.5 months left until it begins, thats why I am here now writing this. Those people who set this whole thing up had no choice, this is the only way we have a chance of putting up a fight, and they are already hiding or starting to.

Hurricanes and severe weather to destroy the very civilization that was used to boost population before the arrival, spreading disease and sickness
Tainted seas and atmosphere to make Earth less appealing to the Aliens so they won't decide to stay.
Radioactivity being beemed into us from multiple sources, as well as special waves that make our genetic make-up unstable so that if the alians use our biology for themselves, either as source of nutrients or of value to them, they will infact be poisoning themselves and their vessel.
War/fear and economic struggle to poison our minds and souls in case that is what the aliens are after, and to distract the masses so that the plan my go accordinly.

It will happen similarly to this, I can't be specific, and there is much worse, but this is enough to soke in for now.

They want our blood, and they use sound as a main sensory reference.
This is where blood sacrafice came from, as well as music during religious ceremonies, almost all of them if you think about it. They like cattle blood, maybe because it is closest to a Human's.
Weird that heart and blood disease are at the highest rate ever.

Alot of things will now make sense, oh yeah thats why they want us poor, fat, stupid, and sick.

edit on 13-9-2011 by raj9721 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-9-2011 by raj9721 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:30 AM
It most likely will be like that.
When ELENIN hits, it's game over.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:37 AM
we are being poisened as a species and being left behind as a dirty bomb of sorts

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 08:40 AM
They are doing it to us already. Go to any fast food outlet, especially KFC or McDonalds, have one of their meals, poisoned.

It has to be the most toxic product that mankind has ever produced.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 02:15 PM
This thread started out so good. Right up until you got to this point.

Originally posted by raj9721
Sounds far fetched, but its actually of truth, and the reason I have written it so dully is because it is based in fact, and I am scared of being exposed. There are only 2.5 months left until it begins, thats why I am here now writing this. Those people who set this whole thing up had no choice, this is the only way we have a chance of putting up a fight, and they are already hiding or starting to.

What can I say? You HAD credibility when it seemed like you were just hypothesizing. But then you dropped this bomb. Now it seems you are just an attention seeking leech like the rest of them. It's a shame. It saddens me.


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