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Yes, you're all feeling sick. Here are the answers you need.

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posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by tinker9917

japans problem has been so hushed that no one from government talks about it any more ,there is a post here on ats and i never flagged it but it shows the radiation cloud and its levels world wide the states and canada and the rest of the world got a nasty gift on rather high levels ,if you take into consideration that the level of background radiation in the world is only about ,008 of a rad ,that is safe as it is the world`s natural level.
also take into consideration the amount of toxic chemicals that every car it this world sends into the air everyday is in the mega tonnage range.and how about the toxins spread of our crops and fields all in the name of agriculture or feeding the masses ,which by the way we have over populated worst than rabbits.
here is a little fact for the people of the u.s taken from today's toronto sun 42.2 million people are living below the poverty level in your country and yet the gap between the worlds wealthiest and the poorest is growing at an alarming rate . it seems that our banks and governments world wide have put corporate and individual greed ahead of all other things and people.
considering that the governments world wide are decreasing the taxes on all companies ,corporations and all the wealthy and yet they are all coming up with creative ways to make us the working man pay their fair share . if you noticed that the u,s. is in debt crisis and they did nothing to take from those who can afford it ,in fact taxing the rich was taken off of the table just so their useless bill would pass and what did they do to help the nation get out of debt the same thing as every other government did absolutely nothing except they decided to put you all farther into debt by increasing the amount they need to TRY TO RUN THEIR COUNTRY more debt,i would like to know where in the hell every politician got their degree in mathematics from because they sure as hell never learned a damn thing except spend, spend, spend without having 1 damn red cent in their pockets or bank account. it seems we have to pay for their screw up`s or so they say.
i guess they grew up watching to many Saturday morning cartoons -the Flintstones comes to mind-Betty and wilmas favorite saying was CHARGE IT -CREDIT IS NOT MONEY AND MONEY IS NOT CREDIT - can we please send them all back to school because i think all 5th graders are smarter than our useless politicians.

posted on Sep, 15 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Despite the term "nuking your food", microwaves have no radiation in them nor do them make use of any type of radiation in the cooking process.

Microwaves use radio in the form of high frequency sound waves you cannot hear. They have no effect on the tissues of your food, they only affect the water inside the food.

The radio waves cause the water to vibrate, get hot and turn into steam. This heat caused your food to cook from the inside out vs. dry heat systems like ovens which heat food from the outside in.

The only way a microwave can hurt you is if the seal is bad on the door which will allow the radio waves to escape. If you stand in front of it, very close and the door allows the microwaves (which means, very short radio pulses in a wave format) then it might start to "cook" you in addition to your food. You would definitely be aware of this happening, especially due to the heat you would feel.

Airport and weather radar, even digital satellite all make use of radio frequencies in the same range as microwaves. In fact, microwaves were invented by Raytheon, a company who makes radar devices. One of their engineers noticed a candy bar in his shirt pocket melted while working near an antenna and they began heating lunches in a plastic trash can placed in front of the radar emitter. Given these guys worked without shielding the danger from the microwaves is much less than you think.

Microwave ovens are designed to amplify this effect but in a very small area (the center of the oven itself) so you CAN get hurt if you were to bypass the safety switch in the door and put your hand in the center of the microwave while it's running. BUT - you will not be radiated by one. Its completely impossible.

Is the radiation from Japan causing health problems in the US and other places? YES. People will die because of this disaster. Various cancer rates will increase and the radiation will cause other types of health problems. You will probably not get immediate and deadly radiation sickness but radiation caused illness and death over long periods of time WILL increase.

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