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Proof: Vaccines Can Be Harmful

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posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:12 PM
A new Dutch study shows that flu vaccines prevent children from building their natural immunity, specifically to other flu viruses. By comparison, a natural infection induces cross-immunity. This means that regularly vaccinated kids are sitting ducks in a pandemic - because they haven't built up their immunity.

Annual vaccination against influenza hampers development of virus-specific CD8+ T cell immunity in children

Infection with seasonal influenza A viruses induces immunity to potentially pandemic influenza A viruses of other subtypes (heterosubtypic immunity). …annual influenza vaccination …hampers the development of virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses.

CIDRAP reports on the study:

Annual flu shots may lower cross-protection

…long-term annual vaccination using inactivated vaccines may hamper the induction of cross-reactive CD8+ T cell responses by natural infections and thus may affect the induction of heterosubtypic immunity. This may render young children that have not been previously infected with an influenza virus more susceptible to infection with a pandemic influenza virus of a novel subtype.

CIDRAP specifies that these study results should NOT be used to justify non-vaccination policies, quoting the study's authors "By no means, do we suggest halting annual vaccination of children, especially those at high risk for complications such as the CF patients."

So why not? Because government-corporate partnerships focus on "response" NOT "prevention" - so all they have to offer is vaccination. There's nothing else in the "arsenal." Except Cheney's anti-viral, which doesn't work.

Also of interest: Transmission Characteristics of the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic: Comparison of 8 Southern Hemisphere Countries

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Thanks for that report, I am surprised we even have the information as you know anything that makes big pharma look bad is suppressed in this nation.

Still the flu season propaganda is in full gear in my neck of the woods, our local channel is doing a great job, you can get your vaccine almost everywhere including drive in, stick your arm out of the window and get your vaccine while you driving thru.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Thanks for the report!

It's hard to know what to believe anymore.

reply to post by marg6043

Originally posted by marg6043
Still the flu season propaganda is in full gear in my neck of the woods, our local channel is doing a great job, you can get your vaccine almost everywhere including drive in, stick your arm out of the window and get your vaccine while you driving thru.

Exactly. Almost more than anything else, the fact it is pushed so hard makes me trust it all the less.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:56 PM
i wonder if there is a way to strengthen your antibodies then. they say that this prevents children from strengthening their immune system naturally, but is there a way to have the opposite effect? all vaccines do is give you antibodies for a certain virus (and contain some nasty stuff) but have we ever really tried to figure out how to make our antibodies stronger? or at least identify viruses quicker?
it just seems if you can harm the ability to do this, you should be able to supercharge it too

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Venomilk

i wonder if there is a way to strengthen your antibodies then. they say that this prevents children from strengthening their immune system naturally, but is there a way to have the opposite effect? ...have we ever really tried to figure out how to make our antibodies stronger?
it just seems if you can harm the ability to do this, you should be able to supercharge it too

...When the scientists say "infection induces cross-immunity," it means that letting ourselves and our children get sick makes our immune systems stronger.

The trick is NOT to avoid exposure, nor to totally prevent infection - but to limit it - our bodies need to be exposed to disease-causing pathogens, just not overwhelmed by them. Letting kids eat dirt is not a bad thing. Really. ...Getting exposed to little bits of disease at a time lets our immune systems adapt to the changing disease environment, so that when the 'big one' hits, our bodies are ready. ...Kids and people who are never exposed to diseases do grow taller and stronger and healthier, but they die real easy.

...I could go on about evolution and bio-Gaia, but I'll restrain myself.

Thanks marg and loam.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by Venomilk

The trick is NOT to avoid exposure, nor to totally prevent infection - but to limit it - our bodies need to be exposed to disease-causing pathogens, just not overwhelmed by them.

Exactly. People worry way to much about bacteria and viruses nowadays and I think that I read a article over 5 years ago that more and more kids get allergies because everything is TO clean.
Life is lethal so stop worrying over every little thing.

Vaccines by itself are beneficial but some kids do react really badly to them and they should stop denying that it was caused by the vaccines. I haven't have any problems due to them so I'm glad I got em.
Flu vaccines seem to be a waste of time/money though since they rarely guess it right. Both my brothers have diabetes type 1 and get the vaccine but they still get the flu from time to time.

I've never had the flu but I seem to pick up a mild version of every virus that goes around and I sometimes wonder about that.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:46 AM
this is close to what i mean but not quite. so naturally we gain cross immunity from dealing with viruses. this is the natural method. this new vaccination method makes it more dificult to gain cross-immunity. but there MUST be a method that can increase the effectiveness of cross immunity. theres usually three different ways of doing something. detrimental, natural or neutral, and beneficial. for our immune system we seem to only have detrimental/natural
you see my point?
edit on 12-9-2011 by Venomilk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Venomilk

The "natural" system has worked well enough for the past few million years that we are not extinct. Unfortunately, our economic-industrial system is creating new diseases almost daily and stressing our immune systems beyond endurance. Instead of attempting to change our bodies, we need to focus on prevention - and stop creating new diseases and disease-causing agents.

Our systems and immune defences were not designed to survive in this world we have (re)created. ...It's all about the molecules, and that's what's been changed.


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