posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:27 PM
Before i say what i am going to say I want to make it absolutely clear that we should never forget the 2996 people who died in those attacks and we
should honour their memory. What follows is not an attempt to belittle or marginalise the tragic event of that day...
Here it goes...
I can’t help but feel that the media are squeezing every last drop of sympathy and emotion they can get out of people. To the point where it is
nothing more than voyeuristic exploitative manipulation of the masses. Earlier this week there was a programme on TV called "twins of the twin
towers" (or something like that) this program was about twins who had lost twins in the attacks... I mean, really? Come on... is that not a little
too far?? I just all seems so exploitative!
I can’t help it but I just find this whole media circus of self indulgent pity rather sickening...
Maybe it’s the British "stiff upper lip" in me... Maybe it’s a cultural thing! I dunno!!
But, I really do appreciate this thread...
Hundreds of thousands have lost their lives in the wars that have been raging since these attacks...
Two countries smashed to oblivion... Afghanistan, who's connection to this was a few training camps... And Iraq, who had absolutely nothing to do
with 911.
Yet out of the 19 hijackers, 15 of them were from Saudi Arabia. 1 was from Egypt another from Lebanon and two from UAE. NONE from Iraq and
So, the country that helped fund Al-Qaeda, provided the bulk of the terrorists and is the birthplace of Osama Bin Laden... is completely ignored while
Iraq and Afghanistan is smashed.
Hmm... I wonder why the US government wanted to ignore this little detail when it went on it vengeance whirlwind?
But, we must not think about this!! instead we have think about "Twins who have lost twins" and watch looped footage of the towers collapsing...
Today I had a moment of quite reflection for the people who died in those attacks back in 2001. But, as the author of this thread has rightly
highlighted, I also thought about the people of Iraq and Afghanistan who have lost their lives in the hundreds of thousands.
I have also avoided the TV because I really do not want to be spoon fed an emotionally charged propaganda message.
I know what I have said will be somewhat controversial for some... But please bear in mind that my intention is not to offend anyone... I would just
like a more balanced approach to this whole subject.