posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:26 AM
hi all this is my 1st thread so please be gentle, me and the wife were chewing the fat last night, it was while watchin a programme about the twin
towers going down, any how a small arguement started when i said that a human will do anything to stay alive a few seconds longer, an example i gave
to her of this was the fact that all the people who jumped from windows in the world trade centre in my opinion were mostly doing this, now i say them
people were faced with a stark choice either be burned and choked by fire and smoke with in seconds or jump and live a few seconds longer, my wife
said these people were chossin how to die either burn to death in horrid pain or be at peace falling through the air my question to you is who do you
think is right on this 1?.....looking forward to your responses.....mods if this is in the wrong forum then feel free to move to the correct 1,