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NYC Closed Subways for 2days anticipating Wimpy Irene, shall Remain Open 2wks later on 9.11.11 Weeke

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:07 AM

perhaps to help maximize maximum memorial attendance at ground zero?

if true, that means we should fear a Tropical Storms hitting NYC more than supposed Credible threats.

does not compute. because 9/11/11 will create a huge influx of scores of people from all over the nation & world to commemorate the tragedy. that means significantly more than the already 10 million nyc residents out and about including on mass transit.

we evacuated nyc residents for wimpy tropical storm irene, yet we're leaving mass transit open for the 'Credible, Verified, but not yet. Confirmed(!)' threat to new yorkers, and all who are visiting ground zero from everywhere.

well hopefully they were just installing covert advanced security 2wkss ago in the subways to supplement the national guard & army presence. hopefully..

oh and the 1st vid, notice newscaster says it was created by CIA. *right on*

edit on 10-9-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Yeah, they closed it for Irene, gave them opportunity to place what ever they wanted to claim an attack, when they choose. NY'ers were evacuated, now that 9/11 threats are being claimed, and NY'ers are on high alert, no one will see any one doing anything (goes for DC as well)....what ever has been done (if any thing) has already been done. Just a matter of time as to when we find out where, or when.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:20 AM
wait a min, at the end of the first video he said it was 10 years ago today that they knew of two of the highjackers and were looking for them, i dont remember ever hearing about that. Also good point, I've been saying that this irene thing was for a reason other then the actual hurricane

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by ignant
Scaring the stuffing out of a few million people for a tropical storm was politically profitable. However, putting a REAL damper on the revenue that 9/11 attendance and various events will be bringing in would be anything BUT politically acceptable. I hate to be cynical, but I think it really is that cold and basic for why there is such a difference.

It may mean nothing, but I recall them also saying Bin Laden had specific intentions of having the 9/11 events attacked and the material they got from his house showed that. I'd imagine security was already at the max...and then some. Given NYPD resources, I'd say that makes New York is about as safe as any city on Earth ever can be.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by ignant

The subway system was shut down in case the tunnels were flooded. Water tends to flow downwards, and the subway tunnels are easily accessed by the water flows. Not to mention, some of the rolling stock were being put into a safety storage in the tunnels, so they couldn't run normal services on those tracks.

Hell, it's not like the subway system haven't had trouble with rainfalls in the past:

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:09 AM
yes that is tenable.

however, this was the first time MTA ever closed the subways so early (3-4) days in anticipation of a hurricane,, and closed it on Saturday when the storm was not expected to reach NYC until Sunday and it did after 8am sunday as a tropical storm only.

and the MSM hype on hurricane Irene 'targeting' NYC speaks volumes for itself.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by ignant

I'm not sure what makes you think Irene was wimpy.

The flooding and power outages were terrible and hardly ever happen that far north on the east coast.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 02:50 AM
I got that same impression when i was watching live feed of time square during irene.
Did'nt bother me too much at that time but i noticed how the city was quiet, a little too quiet.

Anyways, i hope everything will be alright and I'm glad it was posted on ATS, that way, theres a low risk anything will happen

But just in case, if indeed something unusual happen. Who do you think will be "responsible" ?
In other words, pick your poison.
At that point its a very interesting subject.
Was Irene the perfect storm?

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 06:30 AM
you do relise that the "weak" irene actually killed several people right?................your supposed to be denying ignorance.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by ignant

we evacuated nyc residents for wimpy tropical storm irene, yet we're leaving mass transit open for the 'Credible, Verified, but not yet. Confirmed(!)' threat to new yorkers, and all who are visiting ground zero from everywhere.

Where i live in NJ the Passaic River came up over 7 feet over flood stage. Half my town was flooded - spent
3 days with my Fire Department evacuating people from flooded streets and shutting off gas/electric to houses
to prevent fires.

So dont think it was too Wimpy

The MTA (which runs the subways) spent several days putting covers on vent gratings to prevent water from
entering the tunnels

Fear was that storm surge would flood tunnels with sea water causing massive damage to system

Storm in 1821 flooded most of Manhattan

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Excuse me?

WIMPY Irene?


We were affected here in VT when Irene reverted to a tropical storm.

And no, it's not a laughing matter.

I'm sorry but that comment takes the cake when it comes to people mocking victims of what they call a "rainstorm."

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Gixxer
you do relise that the "weak" irene actually killed several people right?................your supposed to be denying ignorance.

yea there were 6 NY deaths in Irene (rip) and almost 3000 forced-martyrs in 9/11.

MSM kept calling it a hurricane irene well after it degraded to a tropical storm, for some reason. Irene was wimpy compared to Hurricane Gloria, where NYC subways were not shut down.

intriguing the media/officials are pushing specifically a 'van bomb threat'. from past events, i would think that is a distracting decoy for the public.

oh and here's last years 'confirmed & foiled' NYC subway terror plot scapegoats. how convenient of TPTB to foil a NYC subway terror plot one year in advance of 9/11 ten-yr commemorative. interestingly, they were Canadians nobody seemed to know
edit on 10-9-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

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