posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:35 AM
While many including myself think this is completely wrong for all the obvious reasons, consider this new little golden nugget of a conspiracy.
If this no fly practice becomes widely accepted or if nations working in collusion with each other while utilizing the UN to create international laws
and treaties, lets hope they don't get lucky and create some binding and or sue-do legal legislation that all of a sudden allows everyone taking any
kind of mental pharmaceuticals to be restricted from flying and or even perhaps being allowed to own a passport.
Such a goal or agenda could in a very short time render hundreds of millions of people to some new no fly list and in such a way, they can covertly
restrict mass travel and mobility while never appearing to be exactly like Nazi's.
Instead they legislate,cooperate and slowly cook that frog. In such a way, passenger air traffic could be curtailed and or certain airline companies
could be put out of business until the big guys buy out all the smaller airline companies and consolidate the market into the hands of just a few who
are greedy and corrupt men while working with government to fix prices and establish bail out funding. In effect another scam system to make money
and control the masses while dictating who will fly and who wont.
All I can say is that I hope this madness stops, because it is clear, they want to control every aspect of our lives to include when we die and for
what reason we die.
While some will chuckle and state that this could never happen, I say its already begun. While this area of flying and restricted freedom of travel
has caught our attention, what about what we eat, what we drink, what type of medical care we receive, where we live, what jobs we can have, what
foods we can buy, what cars we can own, where we get our fuel, our water, our clothing, etc etc. Where will it end? I will tell you where it will
It will eventually end with the State, big brother deciding when you die no matter if you are healthy and strong.
This is in reality is more diabolical than Nazi death camps with ovens working night and day spewing so much smoke and ash, that it looked like a
nuclear winter with all the ashes in the air, but in the end they want to decide who lives and who dies.
If they ever get that type of approved and legal means for complete control, it's game over.
Thanks for the thread and thank you for considering this conspiratorial discussion on the subject matter.