posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 03:23 PM
Surely you understand how this thing works. First comes the conflict then privitization so, without taking one piece of land the IMF, WTO, and
World Bank can take control of a countries economy then hand over control of a countries resources to bidding corporations. This will be done in Iraq.
Bidding has already started on the rebuilding of the oil fields...if my memory serves me right I think Halliburton is the front runner. Posted by
I do understand how this works, and you are not far from the mark I will grant you. However, I do not see this as being a bad thing.
The reason I say this is because first of all the reason the war is being waged is to prevent the replacement of the US dollar as the world wide oil
standard currency. This would be extremely devastating to the US economy because the oil standard is the ONLY hard asset backing the US dollar has.
(The gold standard has been bastardized to the point of uselessness). If the Euro replaces the dollar, the dollar you have in your pocket will be
worth about 1/10000 of what it is now.
If this comes to pass, the United States will become highly balkanized, and I wouldnt be surprised to see it literally break up similar to the former
soviet republics.
In addition, there would be far reaching international effects, as about 75% of the worlds economy is built on areas of the US economy. If the
foundation of this international economy collapses, there will be a world wide depression worse than anything we have seen in the past. At this point,
a serious global conflict is the only way to pull us out of the depression... if you are worried about what we are doing in Iraq, wait till you see
what this conflict will be like.
As to the privatization of smaller countries, yes it does happen. No arguement. Is that wrong? Maybe. But as I mentioned in another thread, life isnt
fair. It sucks, but its true.
The fact is that those with the money and firepower gets to make the rules. Yes, the contracts to rebuild Iraq are going to be exclusively contained
in the US/UK and a few other allied nations. There are a couple of reasons for that: 1, to make a bit of money (not a surprise) 2, to lock competitors
(France and Germany) out of it, and also to lock them out of any potential influence to that country, and 3, to increase US control on that country,
and by extension, the region.
Unfair? Yes. But as I mentioned, life isnt fair. I would content that this is neccessary in order to keep things from falling apart, and also to
maintain an significant presence in the region to keep tabs (and pressure) on Saudi Arabia, and other OPEC nations.
By the way, yes, Halliburton is in fact still making plans for operations in Iraq. I interviewed with them last monday, and they were offering LOTS of
money for me to go over to Iraq by the end of May.... I backed off on it, although it is MUCH more than I am making now.