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M.U.S.T. - Surveilance tower in a van

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:39 AM
Looks like a much more convenient version of the surveilance towers people were reporting months back at wal-marts etc... Night vision, thermal vison, bullet proof, so on and so forth...

Friday, September 9, 2011

US lawmakers yesterday witnessed a special demonstration of the Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower (MUST), an elevated monitoring tower that is set to be used by law enforcement in the United States as part of an emergency response to civil unrest.

The device, manufactured by Terrahawk, LLC, is basically a high-tech prison guard tower fitted with surveillance and communications capabilities.

It was demonstrated yesterday to “Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate along with their staffs; with MUST, law enforcement agencies can quickly set up a mobile surveillance tower for emergency response, crowd control, or general surveillance,” reports Homeland Security Newswire.

The fact that Congress members and Senators were given a special demonstration of the unit suggests that its makers are pushing for the device to be approved for widespread use by law enforcement domestically, and not just on the border with Mexico.

Indeed, the tower is already being used inside the United States on a limited scale. In December, members of the South New Jersey Tyranny Response Team spotted one of the units with blacked-out windows situated next to a city park in a low crime area where it remained for several days.

The tower has also been designed to be bullet-proof, its paneling consists of ballistic shields, suggesting that its use is intended for hostile situations, not merely general surveillance...

...“The portable surveillance vehicle has already been purchased by police departments across the United States and it has been deployed along the Texas border by several sheriff’s departments,” states the HSNW report.

Another promotional video for the device shows it being used outside a sports stadium...

Lawmakers Pushed To Approve High-Tech Guard Tower For “Crowd Control”

That video showing it outside a stadium creeps me out...

"The sports facilities are the detention/relocation camps..."
edit on 9-9-2011 by 1825114 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:17 AM
wow if the goverment were to really ever go into takeover they sure aint looking to give us a fair chance. id definetly would use it as a hunting blind though

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:36 AM
That thing wouldn't stand a chance against civil unrest. What a waste of money.

Good luck getting out of that thing when you're surrounded. If you need a guard tower, it's to secure a perimeter. If you don't have a perimeter to secure, you're surrounded.

If you do have a perimeter to secure, get a real tower.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 04:41 AM
Glad I don't live in America

Glad the people I don't like at work moved to America lol, I did warn them but hey I also only warned them about earthquakes too, which we had one the next day

Me, I plan on sitting put up the mountain here far away from your "civilisation".

I'm sitting here typing this up surrounded by clouds (inside the clouds), wind, rain, but it feels great to be free(er) and far from the chaos that is going to erupt.

I am only a few km away from even higher remote mountains that people get stuck on and have to be rescued from lol

I feel safe, don't you *g*

I actually give up a job to get far from the comming problems, and go to this place. Feels awesome

Your CEO's are leaving en masses for a reason.

edit on 10-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:19 AM
that thing looks topheavy.

just get a bunch of people and topple that piece of horse menure.

problem solved


posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
that thing looks topheavy.

just get a bunch of people and topple that piece of horse menure.

problem solved


It is probably armour plated and weighs about 3 tonnes on the base lol

Most decent 4x4's weigh 2 tonnes, 1.5t minimum and up to 2.5t.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:32 AM
i imagine that would be one of many versions of all the different companies that compete for government contracts... and you bet the losers when it comes to high tech competition are still going to sell their crap even if they cant get the government to buy it.
edit on 10-9-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Anonymouth

then blast the windows with paint bombs, so they can't see no more.

problem solved now!?

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
reply to post by Anonymouth

then blast the windows with paint bombs, so they can't see no more.

problem solved now!?

Sure, if you can see out of your remaining eye from that large lump of plastic bullet in it, assuming you can walk with a broken rib or two from the plastic baton round, that is the reality of "non-lethal" weapons. They kill and maim.

Assuming your skin is not on fire from the microwaves aimed at you, or you not soaked in water filled with other nasty stuff.

edit on 10-9-2011 by Anonymouth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Anonymouth


people kill and maim.

HUGE difference.

if nobody would be willing to pick up arms, there'd be no war or casualties.

but i'm getting your drift.

i just hope you americans start waking up a little faster, before a military booth kicks your face into the curb.

because from overseas, i get he impression the USA is turning into a police state very rapidly.

and Europe is slowly but surely following suit.
edit on 10-9-2011 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

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