posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha
I'm sorry my thoughts so offend you and you sensibilities, but i have as mutch right to be on a forum
and express an oppinion. you look at the world and see one thing and i see another, their is no crime
i have not broken laws by doing so. Discussion brings truth closer to the light and if you complete
re-ject one argument out of hand then you only get a dim veiw of what truth is their. discussion it your
best ally.
P.S. their are more things in the world than 9/11 I'm sorry for the people who died as a result, and for
your country. It's one of the most dambing things about the human race is that we can do that to oneanother
but i don't doubt the 9/11 attcks, the logistics and sadism, and mallace it would take form not 1 individual,
but hundreds to pull that off. Reason say to me that it 9/11 and was as advertised, I might doubt the WMD reson
for iraq but that is a geo-political thing. I may be wrong on all counts but thats how i see it