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Could this be true? Is this where we are heading???

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posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:44 PM
I have been home the last couple days sick and have been watching a ton of history channel. I saw a commercial several times, all it does is tell you is to go to this website and watch this video. The commercial claims that he has made a number of correct predictions.

The website is

The video is embedded into the website, so I don't think I can post it.

If what this guy is saying we are going to be in a world of hurt. What say you ATSers? Is this how its going to go down when our financial system collapses? I have to take it with a grain of salt since he is selling something.
edit on 9/8/2011 by TheHistorian because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/8/2011 by TheHistorian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by TheHistorian
If what this guy is saying we are going to be in a world of hurt. What say you ATSers? Is this how its going to go down when our financial system collapses? I have to take it with a grain of salt since he is selling something.

The financial system won't collapse! All you have to do is get 1 million people to send me 1 dollar...and I'll tell the world how.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by TheLonePhantom

HAHA... Send me your address and I will be the first to send you a dollar!!!

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by TheHistorian

you guys are SO GREEDY!

I will offer to start the "dollars for everyone foundation", i just need to get a quick 50 cents off 2 million people to get it up and running, and by running i mean running off with your money. Ahh damnit i did it again, i sed the last bit out loud, worst villian ever

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:27 PM
Apparently I've got $10,500,000 sitting in a Nigerian bank account and another $7,500,000 in a UN Trust. Take your pick. Send me your details and I'll hook you up.


posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:34 PM
for the life of me i dont understand why that link and video have been repeatedly posted on ats.

all it is is some dude scamming for cash.


posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:40 PM
Yep. A scam. I don't doubt in the log run that the economy MAY collapse or that it is getting much worse, but remember in April, this clown was saying that China and Russia were going to completely drop all their dollar assets and crash the markets on May 1? In honor of Communist Mayday, I believe. Didn't happen. Probably because Russia hasn't been run by the Soviets since the early 90s and China is as communist as the American Robber Barons of the 19th century.
A bunch of alarmism to get people to invest in his products.
Bet he pulls some suckers in every few months with these videos.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by neo96

I was more talking about all the facts this guy lays out before he gets to his pitch. The part of the inpending financial doom the U.S. is facing. The devaluing of our currency, the possibility of U.S. dollar loosing its status as the reserve currency of the world. Thats what I wanted to discuss.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:06 PM
Most of what he is saying is true, he gets a few facts wrong though. If the us loses its currency reserve status # would hit the fan. Only thing is that the US has no intention of losing its status. Saddam tried to change the dollars he was selling his oil in to euros, and then they hanged him. Chavez tries the same, and then they try to assassinate him 5 times over basically scaring him straight. Gaddafi tries to switch to the African dinar, and gets cia equipped, and funded "rebels" at his door. If any group or country, including china, and Russia, try to switch, the US will attack. That's what the US spent all of its printed money on, weapons, and ammo.

It was a strategic move to acquire goods for nothing. That's what we planned for since the beginning, a war, and we bought our tanks with paper, lots of tanks, and lots of paper. I don't think anyone want's to fight yet, 2020, and later sure but for now, and until then things should continue much the same way they are now, stripping rights, and setting up in the middle east, while trading paper for arms, and tech.

The person making this video however is a douche, his company has been levied several fines, and has been incorrect in nearly all of its predictions, even being fined and charged with fraud multiple times. Check it

edit on 8-9-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 07:31 PM
@drunk ninja I read your U2U and a quick google search reveals this guy is hack. Interesting scenerio though... I wonder if it would go down like he claims. I bet your scenerio is also correct. Now the U.S. the hegemon I don't see them letting go without a fight.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by myselfaswell
Apparently I've got $10,500,000 sitting in a Nigerian bank account and another $7,500,000 in a UN Trust. Take your pick. Send me your details and I'll hook you up.


Only 10 million? They're holding out on you...they promised me 20 million.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by TheHistorian

I was more talking about all the facts this guy lays out before he gets to his pitch. The part of the inpending financial doom the U.S. is facing. The devaluing of our currency, the possibility of U.S. dollar loosing its status as the reserve currency of the world. Thats what I wanted to discuss.

It's simple math, really.

There are three basic numbers we need to pay close attention to:

GDP - an estimate of the overall amount of goods/services produced by a nation.

Bank Reserve/Liability ratio: Essentially - how much money a bank has in its vaults by comparison to its total credits (accounts of its members).

Federal Deficit Spending: - How much money the government prints versus how much money is taken out of circulation via taxation (the best way to think about it when said tier of government has the authority to print money).

Basically, the more liabilities a bank has to pay compared to its held assets, the more money is in circulation than product exists to back it. For example - Federal Reserve policy allows down to a 10% reserve. This means the money on the books is only backed to 10%. The rest exists as loans to be repaid over the course of years - often levied against the value of a physical object (such as a home or car). The lower this figure, the more indicative it is of a 'market bubble' - or series of 'bubbles.' High rates of loaning are often accompanied by rapid inflation elsewhere in the market (often in housing). It's something of a vicious cycle.

- Fractional Reserve Banking

Federal Deficit Spending is another value to watch. The larger it is, and the more it contributes to the overall debt, the more dollars there are in circulation by comparison to the total value of goods and services produced that year. Annual inflation and deficit spending rates are directly proportional throughout history.

Compound this with Fractional Reserve Banking, driven to the extremes in our society, and there are a number of situations where the value of the dollar can suddenly 'drop' by as much as 900% (this is a very, very extreme case). This is only exacerbated when government spending targets market bubbles - such as housing, and only further inflates them. Other problems, such as 'stimulus packages' that often go straight into debt payments, serve to make the economy even more unstable.

So - yes, the policies in place today are a huge factor to destabilizing the value of our currency. As to how much it could devalue.... that is, really, anyone's guess. It is, however, not good for things to continue the way they are. Efforts to reign in the Federal Reserve and to seriously tackle deficit spending will be crucial to stabilizing the value of the dollar.

If such action is not taken, then, yes, our currency will become defunct and the government will collapse as States take action to protect their citizens and interests, switching to other economic standards. Businesses, perhaps, will be the first to switch. It wouldn't surprise me to see people getting paid in facebook credits before too much longer (I know it sounds silly... but...)

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 09:40 PM
The funny thing is, the commercial narrator's voice sounds like Alex Jones.

I would have bet money on it. Not the video itself, just the commercial.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
The funny thing is, the commercial narrator's voice sounds like Alex Jones.

I would have bet money on it. Not the video itself, just the commercial.

that's what I said haha.

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