*thinking this would be the right forum but if wrong, please move*
This is my favorite little mans, jack. He is blind in one eye and loves to watch cartoons-especially Dora the Explorer. It may be a little too intense
for him lol
Recently, he contracted Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), so please pray for him. He is only 5months old and has the biggest heart and deserves
more than what life gave him.
I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts and well wishes my friend. I absolutely love cats and having recently added one to my family I can only
imagine the heartbreak you are feeling. Stay strong and be kind to him in the time he has remaining with you.
Praying for your little guy. I lost both of my dogs between November 2010 and January 2011, and it still hurts. I hope that you two have many many
more years together.