posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:36 AM
how come u get such a horrible idea.
the most probable result is that the time Taiwan have its first warhead,china(the chinesemainland) will strike first and sweep out all the military
facilities that may strike back,(after all,Taiwan is such a small island)
actually,there WAS a nuclear plan in Taiwan,it was when Jiang Jieshi(or his son) ruled the island,he wanted to fight back to the chinesemainland .but
the US didn't want to risk a nuclearwar,so they didn't support it(or they breached it)and of course it failed.
if Taiwan doesn't declare independence,there will never be a war in the Taiwan strait.if without other country's support,the Taiwan leader will
never declare independence.nuke is never a good way to keep peace.(at least in the Taiwan Strait) .if there was a war(and even the confrotation
now),china(the chinesemainland+Taiwan) will be the greatest loser.
I really don't want to see the chinese fight another civil war.but I fear that someone is glad to see it.