posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 12:56 AM
In the ongoing war against the massive troll armies, weaponry and tactics must evolve to meet an ever changing battlefield. No longer can we sit idly
by and pick out a single troll attack, while letting the remaining horde pass by. It is time for a new weapon:
The Multiple Alert Feature
Send out a beacon of distress that will not be drowned out by the droves of mutants. Smite them all at once, by using the shopping cart of the gods.
The alert feature should hold all alerts as pending until the wrathful submit button is selected.
In all seriousness, a shopping cart style method for reporting would seem easy and cheap to implement. Click the complaints and have them go to a cart
for that thread. Each thread is separated, unless you are reporting someone across mutiple threads. That might come later, because it is definately
time to do something!
Thanks for your time.