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Happy Labor Day....Union and proud of it.

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Congratulations on exporting all the jobs that are now much cheaper overseas! Now we have no self-sustaining auto manufacturers, solar manufacturers, computer manufacturing, electronics manufacturing, etc. Great job!

Could you unionize software development so we have no more software developers in the USA?

How about unionizing all the Internet companies? I mean, software and Internet guys are working long hours into the night and a few guys who own those companies are super-rich and must be bad: Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Jerry Yang, David Filo, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, etc., etc..

Should be easy in super-leftist California.

Oh yeah, congratulations on sucking all the tax money from the public in the bailouts and stimulus packages.
edit on 6-9-2011 by Dbriefed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by GoalPoster
Happy Labor Day to you as well . . .

Unfortunately, Unions have become the bloated bureaucracies they originally formed to protect workers against . . . it's more about the dues than the people.

BS..........without my union I would have no healthcare, no retirement, no recourse if hurt on the job. My union dues are a great deal for the benefits I receive. The production companies provide nothing other than an hourly wage and that would be the absolute min. with out our collective bargaining power.

Keep parroting back the Rush fantasy, rather than investigating the real world.

edit on 6-9-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I'm a "conservative right-winger" and a proud union member as well. I purchase American-made vehicles from American-owned companies. I buy as much American-made clothing as I can readily find.

I see that 80+% of Californians buy IMPORTED vehicles... If someone is going to be pro-union, then they ought to LIVE IT! Now that Americans are setting the standards in quality AND value, there is no excuse for buying imports from non-union manufacturers.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by RealAmericanPatriot
I'm a "conservative right-winger" and a proud union member as well. I purchase American-made vehicles from American-owned companies. I buy as much American-made clothing as I can readily find.

I see that 80+% of Californians buy IMPORTED vehicles... If someone is going to be pro-union, then they ought to LIVE IT! Now that Americans are setting the standards in quality AND value, there is no excuse for buying imports from non-union manufacturers.

from a "left wing hippie" AFTRA/SAG who also buys AMERICAN union made as much as I can except for beer.
But at least the brewery is a union shop in Europe.
edit on 6-9-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by whaaa

And happy (belated) Labor Day to you!

I live in a "right to work" state and don't want to be in a situation where I'm forced to join a union to find work (don't think I'd actually care to belong to one, but that's just me.)

HOWEVER -- I know my history! I do appreciate the benefits that unions have brought. Like all organizations, there is good and bad in them but they've made some incredible contributions to our society and it would be wrong to ignore that.

Happy Labor Day!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:23 AM
I am against unions. My son makes less than minimum wage because of union dues automatically deducted from his paycheck. He will be fired if opting out of the union. This must be against the law and immoral, but who has the money to fight it and the leftist agenda. This goes on while the union heads rake in HUGE paychecks for no real work except for inciting anger and thuggery. Unions are a dinosaur of the last generation that has no place in society today thanks to the massive corruption and leftist agenda dictated by Democratic legislators primarily in California and Chicago.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by daddio

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Happy Labor Day back to you!

Got to love unions, especially when they steal from taxpayers! I do have to admit our country would not be where it is today without them.

Uni on leader draws lucrative pension perk based on false information

Every month, Thomas Villanova gets a $9,000 reminder of how lucrative it can be to serve as a union leader in Chicago.

The sum is part of a city pension that comes on top of the $198,000 annual salary he is paid to represent the interests of thousands of city workers.

Yup, I pay $44 a month for what? Some fat arse to suck up a portion of my pay so I can trade my labor and experience next to a guy who bullcrapped his way in? We have so many workers in our shop with little to no education in the field and they bullcrap their way in and then the union protects them and when I get pissed off because they feck up all the time and I have to fix it, I am wrong and get fired? Makes sense to me!!! I have been with the comapny 22 years, have gone out of my way to promote and help the company grow, I have done more for the company than all the other "employees" combined, yet I get fired because I ask, the union steward who is fed up as well, if it would be wrong to "escort" Joe Blow off the property and give him a little education on how things are done. Yea, unions are great for socialism and comunism, but not for America. If gutless wonders would stand up for themselves we wouldn't need unions. Know history people. If the entire popualtion came together and said F-U to these corporations, and walked out, what would the corps do? Just have to man up, no union needed and walk out together, individually yet together. THAT is solidarity, not a union.

I you told the union steward that you wanted to physically assault a co-worker, then blame the union you got fired? Thats like blaming the gun because you shot yourself.

Whats all that about personal responsiblity? I love hypocrites.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by TheLastStand
Unions aren't as good as they sound.

My fiancee's union decided that a raise lower than inflation would be good, also many things got clawed back --> the contract the idiots at work decided to vote for this agreement. Can't save the stupid. Unions are there to try and get you to sell out for as little as possible while the company pays off the union heads. They are a total rip most of the time.

Interesting to see if the union compromised in order to save the jobs. What would your fiancee have said if the union would have held fast, gone out on strike to support its demands, and had the company shut down? That's the reality a lot of negotiations have to face. The contract I helped on had to negotiate from below what we had. It took six hours of strike to convince management we weren't bluffing and we achieved minor (well-deserved) gains from the last contract.

You know what management will positively not consider? Language addressing bullying and harassment of employees, because that's how they choose to motivate the workforce...the same behaviour that bought them a union in the first place!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Well, I don't belong to a union, thank god, but I have healthcare, 401k, etc. How is that possible?

Union's are nothing more than thugs and mafia!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by eagledriver

I would like to know what union your son works for, i have never heard of a union job that "taxes" there members to that extent.

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