Warning: Rant-like-off-topic-wall-of-text introduction approaching.
Hello everybody. I really appreciate the amount of interest in such a broad array of topics around here. There's so much general information that
seems to be buried by the public eye so to speak (lol, illuminati?). Maybe people just forget. Maybe ignorance really is bliss. But i would rather
know about all of the shady things that have happened in the past and are still happening than to rather not know at all, keep my head down, and go
along with my daily routines.
I've come here to learn. In all respects, I want to change the world for the better. I don't really know how much I believe in myself. I believe in
the power of the individual, and when I see things as they are in the modern world..It makes me...Want to lose hope for the human race. But the
community here...I enjoy that you people are seeking knowledge and want to know the truth, who question the norm, who ask why. My whole life I've
always seemed to ask why to a lot of things, and it's always seemed to piss people off. I almost got kicked out of my house for talking "politics"
with my family. Basically i kept asking: Why are we killing innocent people? That's where all our money is going. Why do you support this? And they
basically told me..We just want to live in a happy, peaceful house, and not think about things like wars. I then thought, i'll keep my opinion to
myself, but what my own mother just told me pretty much sums up the general feeling of most of America, or maybe even the world.
Now a little about America: I understand why it's the most hated country in the world. I understand why most people think americans are fat, lazy,
and ignorant, because a lot of them are. There's a lot of things I hate about this country, and the way it's ruled. I'm starting to believe that
maybe I do live in a fascist state, but I know i've got it better than a lot of people do right now, or did in the past, so I try not to take that
for granted. I'm an American at heart and I will never give up on this country. If it goes down burning, I will go down with it. I believe the
American people can rise above our "owners" and become a beautiful nation once again. Atleast sometimes I believe that...
In this world, it's easy for me to feel hopeless about the outcomes of the future. Why do we live in a world where people dont want to address the
problems and issues that are facing us right now? Maybe people really are starting to wake up...But I dont know. It seems to be such a miniscule chunk
of the population. It seems like most of the people just want to blindly give all the power to governments so they dont have to be the ones
responsible, and point the fingers at the politicians, hoping that this new wave will just fix every problem. Oh how I wish there was a different
system for politics, economics and the like. But things are the way they are for now, and I suppose I will have to live with it.
The only thing that I really believes empowers me is my guitar. I believe this is my biggest hope for bringing change to people's lives in a positive
way: Music. These are the only talents I'm really proud of, and one day I hope to be like one of the greats like John Lennon. I dont want it to be
cool. I dont want it to spew my opinions off like some know-it-all jackass. I dont want it for the chicks. I dont want it for the money. I just want
to make wonderful music, and I want it to make people feel inspired the same way music makes me feel when i listen to it. I want to open up peoples
minds. I want to connect with people on a whole different level. I feel like this is my calling, as I'm not a very good talker in real life, and on
the internet, I always seem to get labeled as a troll...So let's hope that doesn't happen here, because I aint here to start a ruckus.
So for all of you who have made it thus far, I'd like to thank you for reading, and thank you for being awesome and educating yourselves for the
better. Thank you thinkers, debunkers, speculators, fearmongers, peacemongers (we need more of these), disinfo agents (i keep thinking that this place
is free of those unpure, how naive of me
), trolls, and knowledge-seekers alike, thank you all for sharing your information. Thank you for bringing
me all this good information and I will continue to inform myself in the darkness. Have a good one...