I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and panic attacks back in '06. After a couple years on benzos my condition worsened. The sense of a heart
attack, limbs going numb and cold, the sense that my life force was being pulled down to the core of the Earth from my body and so on. Pretty severe
stuff. In '08 I weened off the meds, abstained from alcohol for a few weeks and began a process of forgiving others and most importantly myself when
IT happened: The Tao, The Void, Universal Knowledge, Enlightenment, Awakening, Infinite Awareness, Buddha under the bodhi tree, the Mind of God, I AM
(so many names) touched me for only an instant. All that IS came into perfect clarity. One moment an agnostic leaning towards atheist, husband,
young father, professional, houses, cars, completely caught up in the game to Light Being. It was profound, dramatic and instant. The Tao says,
“The Tao that is spoken is not the True Tao,” so I am unable to describe my experience in words because words cannot contain IT. It sounds as
though many of the posters on this thread already Know.
Originally posted by Staxxem
I understand the rapid progression the collective consciousness is taking.. Just from reading posts on this board and having discussions with friends
/ coworkers / family I can see that people are waking up to a perception of reality they've never known until now.
“Human sickness is so severe that few can bear to look at it... but those who do will become well.” ~ Vernon Howard
Originally posted by Staxxem
But for some of us, this perception can be quite intimidating.. In my case, this new perception of life can come barreling down on me with
unpredictable anxiety that is beyond words. I feel bigger than the world, but then I feel the walls closing in on me. It's as if I'm merely living
out some twisted dream world where I'm the pawn and everyone else is in on the joke.
"(2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be
astonished, and he will rule over the All." ~ Gospel of Thomas
“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will often be lonely, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning YourSelf." ~ Nietzsche
Originally posted by Staxxem
A part of me knows many of you can relate to the ever-present fear some unforeseen anxiety you've never experienced before until now will strike at
any moment. And if this is true for you, how bad does this anxiety grip you? What are you thoughts when you're experiencing it? How do you cope with
it? If you're not one of these people, who do you suspect others have such issues? What would you recommend we do in order to escape from this? Or
maybe you feel this anxiety is necessary in order to promote the cultivation of a positive outlook?
You are the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End which are the same.
"(18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he
who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death." ~ Gospel of Thomas
We are all changing. We, our system, everything we know is going to change. The money we have chosen to enshrine as the center of our
civilization's value system is failing and will end. Our culture relies upon a set of unconscious agreements that constitutes meaning. This too is
failing. Nietzsche professed that there will be a "seeker after knowledge," the "opposite-man," which is in direct opposition to everything
known. The instance of Truth, your enlightenment, is "a violation, a desire to hurt the basic will of the spirit which unceasingly strives for the
apparent and superficial." Carl Jung wrote that "We are living in what the Greeks called kairos - the right moment - for a "metamorphis of the
god," of fundamental principles and symbols. This peculiarity of our time, which is certainly not of our conscious choosing, is the expression of
the unconscious man within us who is changing." In other words we have no choice but to evolve. Think of how absurd it would have been for the
pre-bird to fight taking flight. Can you honestly imagine having wings and making the decision not to fly? We can fight our shift and make it very
uncomfortable but the change will happen anyway; with or without our moral or conscious approval. Do not be afraid. There is no more reason to fear
our evolution than there is to fear the rising sun. It will be blessed and better. Evolution from a creative, spiritual place is always better than
before. Herold the coming Sun (you)!
I hope this helps in times of despair. Always Know that IT will pass through surrender.