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Parents of seven told: Your children are too fat, so you will never see them again

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Strictsum

wouldnt say abuse as much as neglect, wouldnt you agree?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Daygone23
reply to post by SangriaRed

I am sorry to read that about your child i hope the best for em and yes it is easy to say what others should do or not do, those are called opinions and they really dont matter unless there from the person who said them, ya mean? But, really though how hard is it to go for a walk every night/day? it isnt, its easier IMHO to walk with someone rather alone but sometimes not so much and guess what, walking is easy and its good for you to.

Yep, you're right about opinions.
In this case we're talking about opinions which can ultimately lead to laws which can mean that kids are taken away from their families.
Those opinions are important to try to discuss and see other viewpoints.

Being careful to watch how we agree/disagree with a ruling or whatnot is important because that leads to our support at the polls.
My concern is that there are a number of families who are doing their best to their ability who could have the govt looking over their shoulder.

Fwiw, yes, I do totally understand what people are trying to say when it comes to the cost of health care. I have been around that discussion so many times with friends. I don't know that there is a really easy answer to it and perhaps may be for a different discussion?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

a few years ago I saw the Maury povich show one day. The whole show had these moms and their very very morbidly obese children 1 year old 100 pounds) and babies, maurie had a list of foods and the total calories these kids took in every day, it was staggering. The moms actually gloated and bragged about how much food they let their kids eat...they were Proud of this and said they would not change...even after all the medical stuff those babies will look forward
to was explained to them.

these are the kind of people who I think would have their kids taken away, because it was so deliberate and they had no intent on stopping and they knew it was wrong. there was a least 1 mom on there whose child was really obese but she did not over feed him, The preliminary tests were normal and they were going to run more, she was there to verify that he was been fed normally. they fed him really carefully in the hospital, but he just kept gaining weight.

the parents of the family this thread is about, they didn't brag, they weren't proud and gloating that the family was fat, .
It isn't not cut and dry....namby pamby do-gooders stick their noses into everything and think they can fix it not true....they supervised everthing that family (this thread is about) ate for 2 years and they were still fat....that is VERY telling....way to go namby pambies...

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Have you noticed how FAT the police officers,and social workers are nowadays? How bout the politicians?

Lets start with THEM,and their Family's.

Churchill and his double chin would be rolling in his grave...................................

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:20 PM
I don't agree with taking children away from their parents but to me, I see this as a form of abuse. We all know the health issues with being obese. Especially when it involves still developing children.

I believe parents who do this to their children as being no different to if they handed the child cigarettes or alcohol.

They show a blatant disregard for their childs health. Something needs to be done. It's become too acceptable for people to be obese. In some cases it’s seen as a good thing! A sign of a countries prosperity to have hordes of “well fed” citizens. The recent news about a woman in America who has the goal of becoming the FATTEST person in the world is a testament to this.

Personally I find it terrible that the western world continues to get fatter. Did anyone ever think how many starving Somalian children could be fed with what ONE of these people consume?

They need to stop poking junk down their throats (and those of their childrens), and get out for some exercise. Before it’s too late. It’s that simple. I refuse to listen to the argument of “it’s so hard”, or “it’s genetic”.

Hogwash. It is nothing more than greed and laziness.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:23 PM
This is disgusting.. I'm on the states side on this one. If these parents are too lazy and detached from their children to watch what and how much they eat then they don't deserve to call themselves parents. Parenting is looking after the well-being of your child. Letting them become morbidly obese and have health problems is not okay. They deserve to have their children taken away.

This was modified from a rant. I feel strongly about NO remorse for bad parents.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:29 PM
I believe this is the correct thing to do.

I know it sounds evil, but face the facts... letting your children become seriously overweight, is child neglect. Very much the same as not-feeding your child. Obesity has very serious consequences for a childs future, especially if it gets out of hand.

Children get removed from their families if the parents do not feed them. Malnutrition affects the childs health in devastating ways, very much the same as obesity can, just with different effects. Why should a child be allowed to get obscenely fat and end up with health problems because the parents didn't care.

Just an opinion

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Daygone23

I would probably say both actually. I think the way she feeds him is abuse, fried and fast foods only, if she were feeding him the same amount of food but of the healthy variety I would say only neglect, yes.


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by research100
reply to post by ipsedixit

the parents of the family this thread is about, they didn't brag, they weren't proud and gloating that the family was fat, .
It isn't not cut and dry....namby pamby do-gooders stick their noses into everything and think they can fix it not true....they supervised everthing that family (this thread is about) ate for 2 years and they were still fat....that is VERY telling....way to go namby pambies...

LOL at that. how were observations going to help anyone? and as for the cost of healthcare how much did 2 years supervision of this family with all the meetings involved cost us the taxpayer?
it could only be for the fact they put growth homones in the cheap chicken they chose to eat twice a week feeding seven people on a budget was it only sugary foods they could afford? becasue supermarkets love sugar its the cheapest calories they can shift so they use it in bulk. thousand s and thousands of pounds to ask these questions, even in court the tazpayer pays both the solicitors, to argue over someones children's actual relationship with their own parents. it is truly disgusting and people say these children will cost the state money.
the state costs themselves money while they go out on limbs to abuse people namby pamby eugenicist nanny state fools

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:42 PM
People need to understand that children aren't property; you don't own your children.

Consequently, the upbringing of your children is relevant to everybody in the society in which the children are raised in.

In fact, society only leaves the biological parents to raise their children as a matter of convenience. There is nothing to suggest that any genetic relationship between parents and child is a necessity in the child's upbringing.

If parents are persistently feeding their obese children junk food, despite warnings to the contrary, then measures need to be taken by society to protect these children from this parental neglect/abuse.

The way that the facts of this story are reported makes it sound harsh on the family ( and it may well be ), but the story emanates from the Daily Fail, so I'd be willing to place a sizeable bet on the fact that they left out some pertinent information to this story, because the way that they reported it will have suitably appealed to/outraged their general readership.

edit on 4-9-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:42 PM
i was real skinny when i was a child, even though i ate lots of food. maybe they will take away skinny kids too nest...

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by InsideYourMind
I believe this is the correct thing to do.

I know it sounds evil, but face the facts... letting your children become seriously overweight, is child neglect. Very much the same as not-feeding your child.

A good point. Anyhow just look at them - looks like they all enjoy a good feed. That said if they did this in the States, half the population would be in care! It's a slippery slope - that's my only concern.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:49 PM
I disagree that it is child abuse.
I mean, if you go down that road, then feeding your child a hotdog is child abuse because it has sodium nitrate in it, a known carcinogen. Where does that road lead? Someplace I don't like, I know that.

I think child abuse needs to be something immediately dangerous like physically hurting a child that could cause permanent damage or death, or sexual abuse, STARVING a child that is underweight, or really extreme verbal abuse, severe negligence like leaving a baby alone - really, things that are all ILLEGAL.

I also disagree that the total cause of obesity is JUST overeating.
There's environmental pollution that causes it too, and genetics, and a ton of other things.

edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

They've been taking away "skinny" kids in the USA since the inception of this bastardized orginization. And yes people can be skinny because of genetics too, it don't mean they're malnourished or getting beaten. I was nicknamed Twiggy (from the model's name) in school because I was thin as a rail, a strong wind would knock me down. I ate fine, I could eat a whole bag of doritos in one sitting for snack ( the family size) and still eat dinner as well, and my other two regular meals, I just never had put on weight. That doesn't seem like a problem now, though, after hitting the 30 yr mark and having three kids.

If they are going to harass parents of skinny children I always said they'd better start harrassing the fat chubsters parents, too. It's far more dangerous being fat, even if it is metabolism.
edit on 4-9-2011 by ldyserenity because: add

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
I disagree that it is child abuse.
I mean, if you go down that road, then feeding your child a hotdog is child abuse because it has sodium nitrate in it, a known carcinogen. Where does that road lead? Someplace I don't like, I know that.

I think child abuse needs to be something immediately dangerous like physically hurting a child that could cause permanent damage or death, or sexual abuse, STARVING a child that is underweight, or really extreme verbal abuse, severe negligence like leaving a baby alone - really, things that are all ILLEGAL.

I also disagree that the total cause of obesity is JUST overeating.
There's environmental pollution that causes it too, and genetics, and a ton of other things.

edit on 4-9-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

I would argue that feeding a child mostly fast foods from birth is causing permanent damage. I am with you 100% on not letting the government take a child away for being fat. But, there has got to be something that can be done. My new nephew will have health issues for the rest of his life because of how he is being fed, of that I have no doubt.


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
I also disagree that the total cause of obesity is JUST overeating.
There's environmental pollution that causes it too, and genetics, and a ton of other things.

The problem is that these are used as excuses. "Oh, I'm not eating too much, I'm a victim of genetics and pollution so why bother trying to get fit and healthy".

I'm not a believer in genetics causing this issue. Seems we've had a sudden upsurge in these genes over my lifetime to see obesity turn into the epidemic it has become.

I fail to see pollution as a cause of someone being fat.

My wife has trained people who were told they were "genetically fat". Once they broke the laziness & poor eating habits cycle the weight came off just the same as anyone else.
edit on 4/9/11 by TRiPWiRE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM
I am so glad this story is causing a reaction. I have just posted a reply on another site I visit regularly. ( In short I hope the parents take every legal action afforded them to get justice for what has transpired.

They are a happy family until they are torn apart. No wonder the Children did not lose weight. The shock of what happened probably sent them straight into 'fight or flight' at the mere thought that they would be taken away from their parents. In short - the first thing the adrenalin response does as a reaction and not a cognitive thought - is - stop the digestive processes! The ongoing stress would have disrupted all bodily systems and possibly sent them into another reaction to shock and that is 'numb'. Both these reactive processes are supplied by nature for us to protect ourselves - psychologically - so that we can protect our physical self. The Children did not have a hope of losing weight under these conditions. I doubt they will lose weight at all now and will have psychological injuries added to everything else.

What should have happened was a trained medical professional or a nutritionist should have been arranged to work with the family. If at the end of this the family has a gene with a predisposition to weight gain I hope they fight hard and long to get justice.

Most people would agree that carrying too much weight is a health risk at any why aren't all overweight people being targeted????? I wish humanity would hurry up with learning how to help each other with kindness and love instead of actions directed by overinflated egos and uneducated arrogance. I also hope this event will outrage medical professionals, properly trained social workers and society as a whole.

Much Love & Much Peace To Everyone

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
People need to understand that children aren't property; you don't own your children.

If parents are persistently feeding their obese children junk food, despite warnings to the contrary, then measures need to be taken by society to protect these children from this parental neglect/abuse.

The way that the facts of this story are reported makes it sound harsh on the family ( and it may well be ), but the story emanates from the Daily Fail, so I'd be willing to place a sizeable bet on the fact that they left out some pertinent information to this story, because the way that they reported it will have suitably appealed to/outraged their general readership.

edit on 4-9-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

up to 80 per cent of what supermarkets sell is junk food in one form or another. none of the veg is fresh, all is irradiated before being put on sale. fruit contains pesticides on skin and core. theres you five a day gone up the wall. vitamins being sold in supermarkets are sythesised and not even sourced from foodstuffs meat is injected with water plus unknown protein powder secret ingredients processed foods with preservatives and e numbers everywhere. rows of tins and jars with food immersed in sugar and salt in most cases cereals with little or literally no nutritional content bar faked fortifications. which other aisles do you want them to go down?

if they were forced to work on a family allotment to provide fresh salads for themselves veryday for 2 hours a day ; how much better off would the family be. quality does not equal quantity ; they may be in need of satifaction the supermarket is not providing, hence compensating by bulk. do you know where a source of vitamin k exists in the supermarket? some nuts may provide it but at 3pounds for 100 grams does the tiny pack seem like a sensible choce for the uneducated needing to suppy 9 people with food?

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:06 PM
This is the socialist model. It's liberal fascism at it's best. Jonah Goldberg explains it in his book, "Liberal Fascism". This is also clearly the model that the Obamas are working towards, what with Michelle attacking Happy Meals, and her organic gardening expose on the WH lawn. This is ultimately what the Obamacare model is going towards.
Hillary said "It takes a Village" to raise kids. That is the Totalitarian collectivist model meaning parents are no longer considered the true guardian of their children. It transfers power from the parent to the State.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by ZIPMATT

The key word in your post is "forced". Otherwise it would have made sense. Totalitarians are everywhere, even on this site.

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