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Parents of seven told: Your children are too fat, so you will never see them again

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posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:15 PM
I want to see photos of these children with exact weight calculations; If the state/government has to come in and tell you that your CHILDREN will be taken away because of there weight, umm they obviously must be grossly overweight to the point they may have heart problems and diabetes or some other sort of problems brought on by obesity. Feeding your kids is one thing, Its great cause it shows you want them to live, but on the other hand if your feeding them to were they are getting to large for there bodies, for there bones and veins to handle, then thats a problem and IMHO it may be extreme but a necessary choice for The Gov to intervene. they gave them two years to get the kids in shape? The article isnt clear of the date the option was given , I thumbed through it pretty quickly to, anyways its a clear observation that these kids were in unhealthy circumstances, there home lives may have been great i dont know neither do you, but there physical being isnt so well from what the article says so in that case if they get healthy great job well done. Besides the kids wont be kept away from there parent forever....gotta turn 18 some time.
edit on 4-9-2011 by Daygone23 because: abit snarky

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by EvanB

Would people be in trouble if they didn't feed their children enough. (of course it would be considered child abuse and possibly considered torture/murder)

Why is it different with the opposite extreme? Over feeding the child will always cause death in the long run and high;y increase the illness/disease related from obesity.

To all the people who think this is wrong. Stop posting saying this is wrong. You lack the basic critical thinking needed to bring up anything worth posting.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by SangriaRed

i actually think supernanny did a great job with specifically very difficult children. but there is no need for 'supernazis' which also applies to the social services.

here is a list from welsh women's aid i found it highly useful in understanding dv in a human rights context.
it is amazing just what the state will not only sponsor but even force on people in terms of abuse.
they want to punish them for noncompliance with abuse by the further abuse of taking their children away.
thats real typical abuser behaviours, all carried on in full effect by the state .
sickening yes but it needs exposing. in winterbourne view youngsters with learning difficulties were being beaten up and tortured, literally , video evidence all there etc. and it was being covered up. violent abuse in the name of abuse. that is what they are really all about.
psychological and emotional abuse ; listed
edit on 4-9-2011 by ZIPMATT because: to add link

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Imhotepsol

It all goes back to perspective. If you agree this is right,and these parents are indeed bad because they cant keep weight off their kids,then someone could agree that you being a member of the ATS community is harmful and treasonous,and your children should be taken away.Before you say apple to oranges,remember,once you give up your own freedoms in society,to government,government controls you. The stage is set for those who are in power,to keep you down,whichever,and by whatever means THEY deem fit. Its about control,and your willing to give up you're life,if you give in,just a little bit.Thats all they need. Good luck living in that kinda world. They can take my kids, when they pry the cold chicken wing out of my dead hands.

edit on 4-9-2011 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by atomicn
reply to post by EvanB

Would people be in trouble if they didn't feed their children enough. (of course it would be considered child abuse and possibly considered torture/murder)

Why is it different with the opposite extreme? Over feeding the child will always cause death in the long run and high;y increase the illness/disease related from obesity.

To all the people who think this is wrong. Stop posting saying this is wrong. You lack the basic critical thinking needed to bring up anything worth posting.

They lack critical thinking???


Because there is a LOT more to being an overweight person than JUST overeating.
Lack of exercise for one. Thyroid issues and YES they exist, because I've dealt with them personally as have other members of my family.
A person's metabolism Does differ, the body type and genetics.

All play a factor into these things.
It is Not so cut and dry as to say these parents are just overfeeding these kids.
Critical thinking, lmao.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by ZIPMATT
reply to post by SangriaRed

i actually think supernanny did a great job with specifically very difficult children. but there is no need for 'supernazis' which also applies to the social services.

here is a list from welsh women's aid i found it highly useful in understanding dv in a human rights context.
it is amazing just what the state will not only sponsor but even force on people in terms of abuse.
they want to punish them for noncompliance with abuse by the further abuse of taking their children away.
thats real typical abuser behaviours, all carried on in full effect by the state .
sickening yes but it needs exposing. in winterbourne view youngsters with learning difficulties were being beaten up and tortured, literally , video evidence all there etc. and it was being covered up. violent abuse in the name of abuse. that is what they are really all about.
psychological and emotional abuse ; listed
edit on 4-9-2011 by ZIPMATT because: to add link

Omg, this is horrible!
This really ticks me off.
On just so many levels. Do ya have a link for that? If not I'll search it later.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:25 PM
I am quoting this pic, they are not that fat, the girl in the white pants looks about normal weight to me. Did you miss the part about the authorities had them in a "big brother" situation where they watched every thing they fed to the children for 2 years and they were still fat??

the article says they did everthing the authorities asked them to.. What about the "psychological" harm of taking these children from the family.. LOOK at the pic, they are not morbidly obese. The authorities over reacted

Originally posted by RisenAngel77

Originally posted by Terrorist
reply to post by RisenAngel77

Allow me to clarify; I only think that child protective services should be invoked when there are particularly atrocious cases like this.

Assuming the kids in this pic are the kids in question, They look perfectly healthy to me, in fact in the U.S this is considered normal.


Edit: Oh and don't forget the fact that sometimes people DO have big bones, it is not a myth. But either way, I don't see child abuse in this picture.
edit on 4-9-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:26 PM
A few points for those who like levity:

1) Most of those kids are fat, sorry to say, and their parents are fat so it's probably an issue with lifestyle and the kind of home those kids live in. It seems that after spending time with the parents their weight increased.

2) Causing obese children is child abuse or failing to take what medical steps are needed (if in the smaller percentage of cases in which it actually is a medical condition).

There is no other action a parent can perform that causes serious increases in health problems, shortened lifespan, social rejection and abuse, decreased confidence, among other things that would not be considered abuse, sorry to say it.

3) In a nation where everyone has to pay for everyone else's medical costs, these are not just "personal" matters anymore. I'm sorry, but obesity is creates greater loads on any healthcare system, especially when the trend is increasing.

4) Not that I agree with taking the children away, but something has to be done. Would everyone not agree that the "health and well-being" of children is important? Of course, otherwise they wouldn't have child protective services and they wouldn't have it in the phrase.


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

You're right people do care about the well being of a child and with the health care the way it is then there is a responsibility....etc.

On that note, then it is the govt. responsibility to go to each and every family's home to make darned well sure that:
a) there are no cigarettes in the home
b) the alcohol being consumed is no more than one a day (depending on the genetics of the family members drinking)
c) there are no illicit drugs in the home
d) the parents have taken reasonable measures to safeguard their home.

It's called targeting "fat" people because they "obviously" are unhealthy.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:35 PM
Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to human populations. Eugenics was widely popular in the early decades of the 20th century. By the mid-20th century eugenics had fallen into disfavor, having become associated with Nazi Germany.


This is what its really about.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal
Just because these kids are overweight right now does that mean they will stay that way. Carrying around a few extra pounds does not automatically mean poor health and is not a sign of neglect.

Actually, as parents are responsible for their kids' health and well being, letting them become overweight to the point where it is effecting their health then it is considered a form of child abuse. They are being taught bad habits and normalizing obesity, which I think any sane human being would agree is a bad thing to do.

Just my opinion however.....

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:39 PM
ok ok then if it all comes down to freedom and not the well being of others. Then yes the children shouldnt have been taken away, who knows maybe when the first kid dies of some disease brought on by his obesity then the parents may learn to take better care of the other kids lesson learned. Lets all go have some tofu. But on a serious matter both parties are in the wrong no government has the right to take your kids which means my earlier post was abit wrong I agree. But no parent should just let, even if its just one, of there kids get so obese that it may cause health problems because that tells me that they may not care about the childs physical well being as much as there mental well being, So how hard is it to take your kid on a long walk every night/day?


So what if im a terrorist for coming onto this site, if they want to come and take my freedoms away for it then who is the real terrorist nazi's? Besides my criminal record speaks for itself and there isnt really any solid evidence that would place me as a terrorist or anyone else on this site for that matter. Have we bombed anything? Have we threatened to murder anyone? I mean we as the ATS community.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:44 PM
This is my gut response to this, with almost no reflection.

If you don't like this, stop electing the latter day version of Heinrich Himmler to parliament. Stop electing nanny NAZIs to office. Stop running down the able administrator who is banging his secretary on the side because he has the energy of ten ordinary guys. Turn off the telly. Put the boot to football. Take some responsibility for your world. Pay attention to what is going on. Grow the eff up!!

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Ban fat marriages.

Stop making more fat people to further ruin the society.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:46 PM

But no parent should just let, even if its just one, of there kids get so obese that it may cause health problems because that tells me that they may not care about the childs physical well being as much as there mental well being, So how hard is it to take your kid on a long walk every night/day?

Ya know..... it's so easy to look at someone else and say what they ought to do or not do.
Unlearning bad habits can take years. And sometimes, oftentimes, it is done with baby steps.
And those steps might be ones the parents are often taking, yet, it may not be seen to any one of us. That's why being careful about judging people and families based on appearances is so important.

We just don't know. Our daughter who has Down's has struggled with her weight a lot. People sometimes stare at her.
What they don't know is that she wears orthotics and that getting her mobile and staying mobile is really hard.
We've finally found two activities for her that she'll keep going.
But getting her to eat foods that are healthy can be really hard because sensory wise she hates the texture of certain foods.
She would starve herself first.

Appearances aren't everything. There is so much more there.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by SangriaRed

No, I think you missed the point. It's not child protective services job to ensure a child is healthy, it is the parent/guardians. Child protective services will only step in if the parent has failed in looking out for the health and well-being of the child.

So again, no. It's not the governments duty to ensure that you have no drugs in your home either. It's yours. It's an interesting discussion in this thread, I'd love to see a poll on this story


posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by SangriaRed

....2nd line of attack
edit on 4-9-2011 by Thundersmurf because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by SangriaRed

I am sorry to read that about your child i hope the best for em and yes it is easy to say what others should do or not do, those are called opinions and they really dont matter unless there from the person who said them, ya mean? But, really though how hard is it to go for a walk every night/day? it isnt, its easier IMHO to walk with someone rather alone but sometimes not so much and guess what, walking is easy and its good for you to.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Thundersmurf
reply to post by SangriaRed

No, I think you missed the point. It's not child protective services job to ensure a child is healthy, it is the parent/guardians. Child protective services will only step in if the parent has failed in looking out for the health and well-being of the child.

So again, no. It's not the governments duty to ensure that you have no drugs in your home either. It's yours. It's an interesting discussion in this thread, I'd love to see a poll on this story


So what I'm saying is this:
a) Having tobacco smoke in the home of a child is unhealthy.
b) Having illicit drugs in the home of a child is not looking out for the well being of the child.

The logic that the govt is allowed to step in in the case of a parent allowing their child to be overweight and risking their health, can be equally applied in the above two scenarios.
And the only way that they would know this, is by having officials go to their homes to make certain those kids are not in unhealthy environments.

Where do we draw the line of govt involvement with our families?
edit on 4-9-2011 by SangriaRed because: spelling

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by EvanB

My brothers new wife has a 4 year old son from a previous relationship. He just turned 4 and already weighs 100 pounds, about the same as my 12 year old. I don't believe he should be taken away from them, however I do believe something should be done to stop this.

She uses food to shut him up, I have witnessed this personally.

5 fried eggs and a coke for breakfast, 2 or 3 Mcdonalds double cheeseburgers for lunch. This is child abuse I'm witnessing but there is nothing I can do about it. This child has all kinds of health issues from the way he is eating but she keeps right on stuffing his face to make him leave her alone.

Of course she wouldn't eat that way but constantly allows him to.

I have gotten into heated arguments with my bro over this but all he says is," it's not my child, what can I do about it." Which is probably true knowing her. She wouldn't listen to him any way but that's a whole different issue.

I am against taking kids from their parents unless 100% necessary but my gosh 100 pounds at 4 years old. Health issues that will be with him for the rest of his life all because she wants him quiet. It's sickening.


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