Okay guys... So when I tried to print these out for church my parents (my step dad is on youtube on the ACS website and is in charge of the ACS and
Relay for Life in the NW, I keep telling him he needs to run for city counsil, look up John Drollinger on Google he had to bathe his father when he
was 16 and carry him back and fourth from the bathroom and bedroom until he died around the same time from colon cancer). My parents said "separation
of church and state, blah blah blah". So I was told to ask our new female pastor. But I'm having some trouble as I got in an argument with another
liberterian childhood friend of mine who was going to New York while I was telling him that most people in Wall Street are leeches because they're
just gamblers synonymous with a 50 year old woman playing the penny slots in Vegas only using millions of dollars instead. He claimes that they aren't
leeches but essential in starting up new companies to create jobs, but I tried to convince him It's not like in the new Wall Street movie where the
kid is trying to invest in a "breakthrough" scientific company and trying to help them start up. In reality the second the stock in that company would
drop what do you think a "real" businessman would do? But these companies like to recruit the best and brightest to come up with great ideas like
"derivatives" instead of letting them become doctors, scietists, etc... that might actually benefit society.
I accidently hit delete and my page went back before I could copy everything so I'll try to remember everything I posted before it was lost.
- Anyways my personal beliefs (please don't call me a bigot as I don't flaunt these beliefs in a hateful manner they're just what I believe to be
- I believe in a smaller federal government
- I believe in "states rights" but not to the extreme that the confederacy went to and of course not stemming from racism
- I believe that you should be able to what you want in the privacy of your own home without looking behind your shoulder
- I almost forgot this but since this is probably the most controversial I'll just come out and say it - I don't believe in gay marriage, I do have
plenty of gay friends though but personally I believe marriage has been taken too lightly recently with divorces skyrocketing etc... If gay marriage
passes throughout the country what's next? Can I marry 3 women? I mean if the fundamentals of marriage are thrown out then where will it stop? Can I
marry 10 women? Can I marry 10 men? Can I marry my pet cat? Can I marry a tree? Do you guys understand where I'm coming from? I'm not a homophobe or
gaybasher though I just believe marriage was and always should be between a man and a woman or where will it stop?
- I believe that your urine, blood, and hair shouldn't be taken from you under threat of "non-compliance" etc... Do you know how demeaning it is when
some dude is watching you pee in a cup paying close attention to your penis to make sure you aren't trying to "trick" them? I have a story from a
friend about how he got called into probation for a UA but he had to relieve his bowels soo bad that when he got called into the restroom the only way
he could try and collect urine was to actually sh|t in front of this guy he hardly knew while the guy just watched him and laughed (PO's have
powertrips because it's the only thing they get out of their bland jobs). He couldn't collect urine so had to drink tons of water so he could try
peeing again in front of the same guy who made him wait even longer when he really had to urinate. It's not the first time they've made people who
were on the verge of peeing their pants wait usually resulting in them going to the public restroom to pee and then waiting around an hour until they
could go again.
- I believe in the legalization of some drugs and the prescrpition of class A drugs like heroin and coc aine like they do in europe and the
opportunity for addicts that are unwilling to change to get a prescription under the doctor to get their drug in a pure, clean form i.e. Britain and
Switzerland. This would would essentially end the violence in mexico with the cartels. Just like how the end of Prohibition ended the majority of the
Mafia's grip on the country.
- I STRONGLY believe against abortion (especially late term abortion). As a phlebotomist soon to be attending PA school I think it's attrocious to
kill another living being it isn't "My Body My Choice" it's "Two Bodies One WRONG Choice". I understand that there are and have been acceptions but as
a healthcare worker I just can't accept it. I hope most of you know that Margaret Sanger was a racist and was "offering" free birth control to help
stop African Americans to breed."The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." Margaret Sanger, Women
and the New Race
- I believe that you should MAKE your own person out of the hardwork it takes to get that position whatever it maybe... I had a little trouble
choosing what I felt about it but I do believe that families shouldn't suck Uncle Sam's tit for handouts while pumping out babies to get more of a
payoff most likely for their addictions
- I do believe that certain people DO deserve money from the government in certain cases (like my dad a retired Airforce Cpt and PA who's boss made
him hand out scripts at the pill mills he was running causing my dad to unkowningly give prescriptions to DEA agents who arrested him and caused him
to lose his liscense even tho he cooperated fully and was about to report his doctor (Dad didn't go to prison but the doctor did it was all over the
edit on 8-9-2011 by Swing80s because: had to add another bullet