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Paranormal television shows and evps

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:00 PM
If you are familiar with Ghost Adventures, or Ghost Hunters or any show where people try to collect evidence in regards to the paranormal. Have you wondered why viewers do not hear the evps as we watch? If theory proves right, then we should be able to hear them right away, considering audio is running as they "hunt". Why would we just hear them after the fact?

I guess it is possible they are edited out?

I had another question, why do we get evps of children? Shouldn't they be in heaven?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Well, I know for a fact that while watching Ghost Adventures that most of the EVPs caught are from the digital recorders that they hold in their hand during the investigation. Meaning that the sound provided for the show does NOT come from that piece of equipment but rather from the hand held cameras. And even when the camera catch a disembodied voice, you hear it. They play it back and say it was from the camera. And if you have the ability to rewind the episode you're watching after they point out the noise, you'll hear it.

As far as any other show, well, it's about the same thing I would imagine. Most EVPs you'll miss because you're engrossed in the show and not really devoting your hearing to listening for EVPs. Hopefully, I've explained it well enough. But then again, I wouldn't trust most shows outside of Ghost Adventures and Paranormal State. Those are about the only two that I've found to be truthful through and through.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

No, children are loud and have not suffered enough for heaven. Jk.
But anyways, Ghost Adventures kicks ass, Zack rules, and I have actually heard the EVP's during the show many times. /endrunonsentence.

Ghost Hunters SUCKS.
edit on 3-9-2011 by BrianC because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:44 PM
Most of these shows play music over the top of the "original soundtrack', so we can't hear anything.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

I think the thing is that some of them you can't hear until playback. Some are supposed to be audible on their own but you can't hear the others until you play the recording. That's my understanding anyway.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by ReluctantBlossom

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Plus, I like your avatar. Reminds me of Washington.

And I love the Oregon Coast. I'm originally from Coos Bay.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:56 PM
I love Ghost Adventures and a lot of the times when they capture an EVP you can actually hear it when they react to hearing it. Ghost Adventures catches a lot of flak but I think the show is legit.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Echo3Foxtrot

Thanks...And you're missing some great weather right now!

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:21 PM
I have a good friend that has ran a paranormal group for over 10 years. He's told me that they've had multiple audio recorders going in the same location and only one of them would pick up an EVP. He has also shown me videos they've taken where EVPs are recorded, but were not recorded on the audio recorders. A few years ago he was able to hear EVP through headphones in real-time somehow and respond to them on the spot.

I'm not too surprised that we cannot hear some of the EVPs recorded by the TV investigators as they were recorded. I agree, Ghost Adventures does seem to be the most credible of all the TV shows. What I don't get is why the TV production crews on shows like Ghost Hunters don't ever get anything. Or do they?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:29 PM
I have noticed this occasionally on paranormal shows I catch on TV from time to time. Mostly on the shows that, as another poster pointed out, like to play creepy music constantly in the back ground.

This might be breaching the topic of the thread a bit, but lately these kind of shows have been bugging me. It's simply the way they go about doing the show (not so much there investigations, Though I've a few issues with that too on some shows). Specifically: The camera angles suck. Maybe it's just me, but I would enjoy the show more if I was able to see a first person camera feed. Sort of see what the investigators see. I'd even be happy with being able to watch the camera they hold in their hands (where applicable, of course). Instead I'm left watching the faces of these investigators as they go about their ghost-hunting-business. This makes me.. suspicious, and take a significant part of the fun out of watching.

EVPs help bring the thrill back, but some shows ruin that for me, too, by first telling you what they assume is being said in it.

Anyway, I've ranted enough.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Inquisitive1

I enjoy Ghost Adventures for the fact it is just the 3 guys in there, no camera crews, production crews etc, just them.

As of late they have been employing the use of headcams/chest cams to show a first person view of what is going in, it certainly gives you more of an insight to what they are going through. I especially enjoy that they often turn the IR off and show you exactly how they see the location, as I think it's quite easy to judge them and take the green night vision overlay we see for granted.

....All things I think further attest to there credibility.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:58 PM
The above posts brought up good points. I wanted to mention however that many times the evps are extremely hard to hear, and initially require headphones to pick out of the background noise. Once the clip is isolated the volume can be normalized or raised for listening.

There are however those blatantly obvious examples, which we may not hear due to the reasons given by the posts above. Also, I would think the human brain would filter the harder to hear examples out, considering it background noise. So if you aren't listening very carefully, I would think the evps could be easily missed.

Something I was wondering is about the show Ghost Hunters...Do they watch all of the production film for evidence? Something that makes me extremely angry about that show is that the production crew simply films the cast, and I know that is what they are supposed to do for the show, the chance of catching visual evidence would greatly increase if they just used audio from the cast, with some video, while focusing their attention on other areas away from the cast...That is usually were the paranormal stuff happens, not right beside where the cast and crew are standing.

Sometimes they do this, but nowhere near enough imo.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Ethyrial Symphony

I will admit to having never caught an episode of Ghost Adventures, but you've sold me. I will set my good DVR to record the show the next time I get around to it. If what you say about them is true, I'll be very pleased, and my hope for Paranormal investigation shows will be saved. Thanks for informing me

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 06:04 AM
Sometimes you do hear them! What other people are saying is true, they typically are picked up on audio recorders that are extra sensitive, but I have heard EVPs on these shows the same time they react to them.

posted on Sep, 4 2011 @ 10:37 AM
Yes, perhaps that is why they play that creepy music. I used to be an avid ghost hunters fan, until i realized they faked evidence and a former investigator of theirs spilled the beans during a radio interview or something. I watch Ghost Adventures religiously these days.

The scariest evp i have heard
"god has ended it" To this day i wonder what that's disconcerting to me, and i hope that if god exists, he didn't end anything, and that's not why people are trapped here in spirit form.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

That's been discussed here before. Donna herself back-tracked on what she had said when the news spread and a lot of people think she was just a disgruntled ex-employee. Here's a thread I made about it..

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 07:33 AM
It's the FEAR MUSIC that drowns it out. They really play up FEAR on those shows. The music, the way they show people freaking out. It seems so silly. Why not just kick the flipping ghost out of the house? I can do it. My friends (healers, mostly) have no problem doing that either. What's amusing is that the ghostly hauntings are built into a terrifying event and the people look like they're totally helpless. No one claims their power on the show. No one does anything with the ghosts.

I guess it bores me because I've been able to see them since I was born. So, proving they exist is pointless to me. The only point is to get them out of my space if they are being burdensome.

I concluded when these shows were first invented....that this is to build up fear of the unknown for people. It's not about dispelling fear, nor claiming your power.

Don't forget-You are all far more powerful than you can imagine.

Don't play victim. Claim your power. Co-create reality.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by phrankie79
If you are familiar with Ghost Adventures, or Ghost Hunters or any show where people try to collect evidence in regards to the paranormal. Have you wondered why viewers do not hear the evps as we watch? If theory proves right, then we should be able to hear them right away, considering audio is running as they "hunt". Why would we just hear them after the fact?

I guess it is possible they are edited out?

I had another question, why do we get evps of children? Shouldn't they be in heaven?

Good Question but in looking at what spirits are, which is essentially electrical energy, and why they can be located via EMF detectors.

Their voice, and means of communication is more akin to a radio signal than a fluctuation in air pressure as is created by our vocal cords and audible.

Conceptually it's similar to sending/receiving a signal on to a radio, or even a cell phone.
And also as to why they can interact with electronic devices.

And As far as the EVP's of Children.

Children are people too.

Their spirits as with all spirits remain here often because they refuse to leave their attachment to what they learned to like in the material realm of existence.

Also, Sometimes due to the nature of their passing, especially with children, they aren't aware that they're actually dead.

And hence why spirits are associated with a particular location, whether that original structure still exists or not.
Or even particular objects.

And as to why they're not in heaven ?

Due to their attachment to the material realm, and/or not being aware that they are supposed to leave this realm.
They simply haven't passed on or crossed over to "heaven" as in normal circumstances where most of us are guided over by our deceased relatives.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by SSPI07
I'm not too surprised that we cannot hear some of the EVPs recorded by the TV investigators as they were recorded. I agree, Ghost Adventures does seem to be the most credible of all the TV shows. What I don't get is why the TV production crews on shows like Ghost Hunters don't ever get anything. Or do they?
They do, but since they're the TV show's cameras, their footage is not as often used.

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