posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 04:48 AM
Bob88 I find your statement "Makes Hitler's Youth look like boy scouts" highly irresponsible.
The Nazis were breeding the "Master Race" that would replace all of Humanity and the "Hitler Youth" was one way that they had perpetuated this.
They would impregnate young Hitler Youth Girls that matched the blood of the to become "Master Race" (note in Nazi doctrine the master race
technically still doesn't exist, it hasn't been fully created yet), and they would be impregnated with genes by very well bred aryan males, and then
shipped off to a "cloister" while their friends were told something else about them.
In reality they were giving brith to those whom were designated as "superior" and they were to be wed when the age came, to others of their like.
The rest of the Hitler Youth Girls, were used in the "Death Cults" which were the Cults that tended the graves of fallen "Aryans" and others who
died for the Fatherland.
The Hitler Youth for boys, was a training ground to find those who would support the Nazi agenda in one of two ways.
Sacrifice, or thinking, those who'd just sacrifice themselves went into the Army, and the thinkers were used to further the Nazi Agenda.
This ideal of sacrifice however pervaded even the girls minds to the point where all they wish they could do was Die for "The 3rd Reich".
But only Nazi officials had and doctors had any idea what all this was about. They were the ones planning the breeding programs.
The least taught part of history, that should be taught the most.
Is The Nazi Breeding Programs.
And this all began with the Hitler Youth.
Your claim is highly arrogant, and irresponsible.
While Saddam is evil in his land and should be removed, Hitler could be considered the Anti-Christ.