posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Well? What is the actual, accepted by the majority reason for them? Although it pains me to say, I have a few tenuous links to the "upper class"
as people call them. I've never actually spoken to them, but I know people who have - therefore what I tell you is probably exaggerated (hyperbole
as the media call it) but it's EXACTLY as it was told to me, not the exact words and I suppose it is subject to my personal interpretation so - oh
yeah, it's actually quite hard not to do that, OK never mind, here is what I made of these comments.
They, I'll refer to them as "they" plainly because I don't really get them... speaking as a "person", They... seem to have a certain rhetoric
between themselves, and that is that prices are rising in line with earnings. Now, some people will scoff at that, and rightly so. Who here (in the
UK) are actually NOT struggling financially, that actually work? I know that'll get people wound up because a lot of people aren't working because
they're not physically capable, have too many external responsibilities, have mental issues, just can't get a job or whatever. As much as this will
offend you, I have ALL of them issues (despite the first, I am actually fully physically capable to work), and if you just can't seem to get a job
then you're either doing it on purpose or the area you're looking for work in is saturated and you need to look farther afield (there's your travel
cost and actual hours of life to be included in your calculations there).
So, a serious discussion. I am a software developer, yep good title sounds brilliant. It's OK I suppose, pays me more than jobs that don't involve
me solving decent puzzles daily etc, I enjoy it. What I don't enjoy is the paranoid "I don't know how to write software therefore you are ripping
me off and I need to watch your every move" management that seems to plague my industry and the lazy arse people who just think sitting there for 7.5
hours per day; you know having an actual, physical presence with their mound of meat just sat there on facebook or whatever, whom I have to call my
I'm one of the ones who have "made it", I have a degree (which I'll be paying for until I'm at least 42), I have a job with a title that makes
people go "oooh, you must be important" and I STILL have to deal with these #ing CHILDREN who get to play "boss". And while we're at it, I HATE
the word boss. As far as I'm concerned, the people I work for are not my boss; they're merely other humans I'm being paid to help them achieve
their mission. Maybe I should actually become a freelance contractor...