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What is the essence of Beauty.....

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posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Egotists, Narcissists, Pyschopaths (habitual liars) ....people with no empathy or compassion! Yes, they make good politicians!

This is off the topic, but I always wondered about people like it that they do not have a soul? I've known a few of these people. They actually do not have the ability to "feel" love, compassion or empathy. They are physically unable no matter how hard they want or try or even fake....

I'll wrap it back into the subject..can these people see the beauty in art, music, nature, life, synchronicities..etc? I don't know.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by blazenresearcher

This is off the topic, but I always wondered about people like it that they do not have a soul? I've known a few of these people. They actually do not have the ability to "feel" love, compassion or empathy. They are physically unable no matter how hard they want or try or even fake....

I really cant say....

They definitely have a philosophy for believing as they do (read Crowley for instance). Everything to them is like an expression of power. Everyone is chasing power. Which means essentially everyone of them wants to build, cultivate and enlarge their egos; ie; their control and power in the world. Its completely and utterly intoxicating to be so powerful; to be able to persuade other people to service you in some way.

Theyre distracted by the power. And so they apply all their mental powers in justifying this livid emotional want.

Yup. The above is how the world works. Politics, business, media...the same people occupy this power structure.

Dave Chappele once commented on why he left the chappelle show and "hollywood", and he said its because theyre sick. These people are monstrous.

This is also off topic, but i was just thinking about the people at the very top of these structures; the nobles of Europe. These nobles, a modern example being, henri, grand duke of luxembourg go back thousands of years. His own patrilineal (that is, father son, each heir being of noble birth; a king, duke, count, mayor, earl etc) background is traced to 400 CE. Thats 1600 years. How do you go about preserving that power? Think about the dangers. How did these men, in every generation, know what to do to keep their power?

The only explanation to me, is to explain the nature of power. The very fact that they have preserved that power for so long means that they are attached, or the physical incarnation of, a particular metaphysical power.

David Icke, although i do not like him, probably did not make up his stories about reptilians. The phenomena seems too real for too many people for it to be a mere subjective thing. My explanation for it, however, is not as fantastic as his. I do not consider them "aliens" from another planet. Although they are aliens to our dimension of reality.

The spiritual is connected to the physical. If i think negatively, for instance, i can make myself depressed. The feeling of depression is a cause (though not the first cause) of chemicals that my brain is producing. Thus, thought has a physiological effect through chemicals. And chemicals eventually alter brain anatomy.

If youre attached to a particular level of reality your body begins to vibrate at that level. A depressed person cannot tolerate, higher, vibrant energies because he is conditioned to existing at that level. Only through the force of will could that change.

With the above explained. Over a period of many generations, over thousands of year, if youre connected to an archtetypal reality, which you are completely identified with through occultic ceremonies, meditations, and practice, then this spiritual reality your identified with can share your physical body with you.

These people arent reptilians persay, but they are so connected to this archetypal creature, that this creature, this being existing in an abstract world above us, can project in, and impose its astral physical body on the physical body, tranforming the bodies physical form.

Its an incredibly absurd concept, but that just appears to be how the world is. The world of imagination is not so fake! It is a medium between another world, and that world appears in our world through these imaginative visuals, and forms which correspond to its inner essence.

I never fail to be so in awe sometimes, at how weird the world is. How different it is from how the media has presented it to us.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:02 PM
edit on 3-9-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Awesome thoughts and for some reason...I understood and knew everything that you said.

I sometimes have uncomforable feelings around others that harbor a lower vibration and I know others sometimes feel uncomfortable around me. I am usually nice, congenial, kind and compassionate, and lately I've been sensitive to others in a way that I never have been I understand what you are saying.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by blazenresearcher


I find that an emotional content - the spirit - is contained like an imprint within the words we speak. And amazingly, if youre really focused on what youre reading, you can sometimes derive an accurate impression of what the writer felt and knew when he wrote what he did.

I was listening to florence and the machine - dog days are over, and i admit, i smoked a little weed
, a very high quality strain called ambrosia (food of the gods; i think i understand the name now) and i just completely knew exactly the emotion and experience that inspired her to speak those lyrics. I not only was able to interpret it, but in a deeper way, experience the world that evokes that interpretation.

It was strange.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by blazenresearcher

generally that is caused by functional problems in certain parts of the brain. the brain is very specific, and everything you experience and your perspectives come from it. it's so specific that without a certain part, you can't recognize people by their faces. you can hear their voice and know it's them, but you can't tell faces apart.

music and art activate different parts of the brain than love, so it is possible to appreciate the arts without being able to love.

as for my serious reply to this topic:

it's all perspective. yes, there are some overall things that humans are genetically programmed with and culture adds some, but with making different neurons in the brain fire, you could find anything beautiful.
edit on 3-9-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Our emotional attachments to these things (the ones we experience and the ones we create ourselves).

Combine the various aspects:

memory, images, sound, smell, your feelings, atmosphere, environment

And then realise your mind links that event to other events where if finds relationships and similarities so you often find stuff you like makes you happy when you "sense" it (any/all of your senses) however you sometimes are enriched when you experience something new or different.

Everything is related, we just don't often see it.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Ha ha
Maybe that's the evolution we are experiencing except we will feel like that even without the weed! I like the in-depthness of thought!

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