posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:34 AM
It's time for American's to take back our country from the welfare state. We won't do this by rioting, picketing, protesting or complaining. We can
do this by reminding our friends and neighbors of the Pride we once took in ourselves as American's. Pride. Hope. Patriotism. These are the ideals
that we have sacrificed. Teach them to your children and encourage your friends before it is too late.
The truth is that we don’t live in the representative democracy that our founding fathers envisioned. I suggest that we find a method that gives the
common man actual input into the way the system functions. Let's get rid of the Electoral College and break the back of the special interest groups.
Here's one way we could do it:
Step one: Design a (real-time), secure voting system. Not simply for elections but for every major issue that passes approval. Basically, give the
American people veto authority over our representatives. Issue each legal citizen a password and expect them to logon and vote, at least once a year.
It would become our civil responsibility.
Step two: Require all politician's to maintain a website dedicated solely to poling their constituents. It needs to be understood that our
representatives are required to do what we tell them to or they are NOT eligible for re-election.
Step three: The citizen's must tell our representatives what we want them to do. The citizens must exercise their veto authority.
We are capable of having a true democracy that responds to the will of the people. Our economic and social systems have adapted to modern technology.
American's are powerful because we act in concert. When our military goals are in concert with our political goals and our populace is in support of
them we become UNSTOPABLE. In this land the power of our belief is a tangible thing. However, without the support of the people nothing should get
accomplished. And if the people are not behind it then it shouldn't be happening anyhow. United we stand, divided we fall.
The goal is a constitutional government that responds to the will of the people. What we need is a bloodless revolution of words and ideas. There is
no cost I am not willing to pay, if the end result is the return of freedom to the people of the United States of America.
If we do not embrace and defend our hard won freedoms' then the federal government will eventually remove them. With every liberty we sacrifice,
with every freedom we willingly forego and with every right we casually abandon; Americans move closer to socialism, communism and outright fascism.
We must keep America free!
“Here in America we are descended in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.” ~Dwight
D. Eisenhower, address, Columbia University, 31 May 1954