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Denial is getting more difficult. Is disclosure unavoidable?

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Have a look at this, and note the number of completely mainstream media reports and mentions of UFO sightings, often large and well collaborated, with multiple witnesses.

I've been called a skeptic before, and to some extent guilty as charged, but I'm not completely stupid. I know there are fake videos on YouTube every day, but even so, I still think we're approaching a point where the sheer volume of material (particularly the reports of government releases of large volumes of previously classified documents) is surely going to force everyone but the most cynical, to concede that something is genuinely going on here.

As I've said before, I'm not going to claim to know what it is, exactly. Maybe it's extraterrestrial. Maybe it's interdimensional. Maybe it's something else entirely. Maybe it's none of those three.

All I know is that it's something, it's big, the powers that be are apparently having increasing amounts of difficulty holding it back and denying it...and eventually, someone is going to have to publically admit it, confront it, and do something about it.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:11 PM
I think that we are fast approaching that time. I have been one in the past to think that it would never come unless they flew down and told us they were here themselves but with everything that has been happening around the globe, I don't know if we will have to wait much longer.

That said, I think we may be told about microbial life outside of Earth, I wouldn't hold my breath for news of the greys or some intergalactic space war we have been engaged in for the past decade.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I think it is undeniable, but what kind of E.T. is the question.

After all, God as some people percieve him is an Extra Terrestrial.

P.S. Wikileaks is a farce if i've ever seen one.
edit on 1-9-2011 by Dionisius because: P.S.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
reply to post by petrus4

I think it is undeniable, but what kind of E.T. is the question.

Truthfully, this is my issue as well. Whenever we see a given craft, or light, or whatever, we can never know who is behind that individual object. Is it something natural? Is it man made? Is it the Greys? Is it the Sirians? Is it, as some people have hypothesised, human time travellers from the future?

There is never any one single answer here, and that is what makes it so hard, and so frustrating.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:35 PM
I'm sure the Interstellar Diplomat was shown not to be true , New york city "UFO'S" WERE balloons , the Vatican story was nice but so what , its not like they said the popes had tea with ET , China was a UFO that wasn't , check out the threads .

People need to stop deluding themselves , Disclosure is a pipe dream its just not going to happen , I wish it was but its not .
I don't want to put a downer on your thread but there are so many threads proclaiming that Disclosure is on its way when there is no evidence that any Government is ready to disclose anything ...about anything .
Why would they tell us the truth about Aliens when they cant even tell us the truth about stuff that's going on here on Earth .

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by petrus4

I think what it is, is TPTB want freedom to place weapons in Space. They cannot do that until there is something (fabricated or not) to give them the reason to place the weapons in space so they are going to have to tell the world that there is something unfriendly up there so they can get away with it.
It will all be lies, but the world will be fooled into believing it. IMO, of course.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:17 PM
Both sides of the debate sound very convincing, Valid points... im confused

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:33 PM
It really is only a matter of time. The governments of the world are in the know, and with all of the leaking information these days there will definitely be a life-altering announcement in the very near future.

I for one believe they were slowly preparing us with "building block" type findings on Titan, Io, Mars, etc. but they've run out of time.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Unavoidable? it's Inevitable. But it may not look like what you're expecting. Sorry - no shock-jock landings on the White House lawn. That's just for Hollywood. The reality is much more subtle...

This is just the initial phase period. You're being "softened up". What's next? Bacteria. Microbes.

NASA and other planetary scientists will announce that they have confirmed the existence of microbes on Mars or some moon of Saturn. That is the whole motivation for funneling millions of tax dollars to set up a pseudo-official 'organization' called the NASA Astrobiological Institute. That's where the ET news will come from. When? Now that's an interesting question:

The 'word' on the streets of Houston is that the scramble is on because Russia and China both consider this "announcement" equivalent to the manned space-race of the late '50's and early '60's. The US has the know-how, the Russians have the willpower, and the Chinese have the money. None of these three 'big players' have all three but all three will be needed to pull it off (meaning establishing peer-reviewed, globally accepted, scientific validation of ET life).

As with the earlier space race, there is tremendous mistrust among the players. Each has something the other wants. The Chinese can afford to do almost anything, but have to resort to theft, graft, and cowardice to accomplish their objectives. The Russians can bulldoze their way through almost any engineering, physical, or mental problem, but are dirt poor and becoming increasingly unstable politically. The Americans have the experience and a can-do approach, but have little public support and are considered a bit selfish on the world stage.

So what does this all have to do with disclosure? There are kinks to work out, but a 'hybrid' or compromise solution is likely imminent. What will it look like? Who knows. An educated guess might be something like this: American remote sensing instruments funded by the Chinese and operated by Russian cosmonauts aboard the ISS detect microbes on some celestial outpost. Everyone is a hero, all parties get partial credit.

Then what?

Wait. Gauge global reaction. Are the religious zealots rioting? Is MSM ridiculing? Any new Harry Space-Potters getting popular?

If it looks like a benign transition, go to the next phase: Plan, fund, equip, and launch a mission to confirm, sample, test, and look for "more". More what? More Complex Life, silly!

Oh it's out there all right. Some on this planet may already be intimately aware of it. Maybe. Shhh... You didn't hear that here...

NASA's ABI is close though. The other shoe will drop from their HQ. My bet is within a year...

edit on 9/1/2011 by Outrageo because:

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by petrus4

We (the world) are not ready for disclosure yet. We can't even live with each other, so how on earth are we going to live with others? Imagine you are 'ET', looking down on us constantly fighting, are you going to come down in the middle of a battle royale and say 'Yooohoooo guys, you are not alone!'.

I'll throw a crazy suggestion into the mix. Maybe all this middle east turmoil is orchestrated in order to get friendly nations in place, so that when they do disclose, rogue nations won't go off contacting ET just to get the technology.

I think we have more chance of being hit by Nibiru at the moment.


posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 11:32 PM
I do kind of wonder about the fact that so many nations have decided to release bundles of documents related to UFO reports in such a relatively short span of time. How many countries do you recall doing that in the 1990's? Zero, that I'm aware of. How many countries have done it in the last five or ten years? Lots. Surely it isn't pure coincidence that they are all doing it at practically the same time, so what is it? Were the reasons for the releases similar from one country to another? Did any of these governments talk to each other about doing this? Did one country release its files and the others just thought it was a neat idea, so they did it too? Why didn't any of these nations put this stuff out twenty years ago? Why now? Why all at once?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 04:21 AM
Yes. I agree with the points raised here. I have for several years beleived that we are in the middle of Cosmic Journey Mk II. In his book Ailen Liasions Timothy Good alluded to the original Cosmic Journey project which was essentially a disclourse programme which was abandonded due to political and budget costs. However i think today we are seeing an acclerated version of this, with "discoveries" made about new planets, microbacterial life on Mars dead or living, the Vatican saying ET is cool and all the rest of it. Not to mention the release of Govt papers on the subject.

I also think events in the Middle East must be viewed as part of the overall jigsaw puzzle from a global point of view. it seems to me that a global clean up is underway, to sort out those old school regimes and dictators who refuse to acknowledge the new way of thinking or wont accept what TPTB already know. So they are done away with. Syria is next i am sure.

So we need to look at why? Well i am in two schools of thought. Either the 60 or so years disclosure period allocated to governements by ET back in 1947 has come to an end and we need to be told now or TPTB knows something is comming very soon ie in the next few years and they are frantically getting the global house in order to prepare mankind for an official First Contact.

Interesting times ahead i think. Not sure how my Father would cope though, we the present generation can cope, but our parents might need a bit of time to take it all in.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
I also think events in the Middle East must be viewed as part of the overall jigsaw puzzle from a global point of view. it seems to me that a global clean up is underway, to sort out those old school regimes and dictators who refuse to acknowledge the new way of thinking or wont accept what TPTB already know. So they are done away with. Syria is next i am sure.

So we need to look at why? Well i am in two schools of thought. Either the 60 or so years disclosure period allocated to governements by ET back in 1947 has come to an end and we need to be told now or TPTB knows something is comming very soon ie in the next few years and they are frantically getting the global house in order to prepare mankind for an official First Contact.

Interesting times ahead i think. Not sure how my Father would cope though, we the present generation can cope, but our parents might need a bit of time to take it all in.

I partly disagree, you don't prepare the world for Disclosure or First Contact by using war. That, in my opinion, is more of an evil attempt to sabotage it.

But times are indeed very interesting and there is a reason why all this information about UFOs was published.
edit on 3-9-2011 by ALF88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:12 AM
That was an awsome video, thanks

I think alot of people are waiting/hoping that wikileaks will be the ones to release something on the whole UFO scene.

edit: Just thought I would add that this is the second part

edit on 3-9-2011 by fatpastyhead because: added video

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:14 AM
Finally something good.

Amazing video.

As i said before,we live in the most exiting time ever!

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