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Hacker to be sentenced in LA in 'Sextortion' case

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:20 PM

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- By disguising malicious software as popular songs, hacker Luis Mijangos managed to tap into and control more than 100 computers of young women and teenage girls.

This is the scary thing. When technology gets in the wrong hands.

He read their emails, watched them through webcams without their knowledge and most damaging was his discovery of nude photos they had taken of themselves. Mijangos then threatened to post the images online unless his victims were willing to provide more racy photos or videos to him or if they went to police.

It's never a good idea to take a nude photo...

Calling it "sextortion," authorities said Mijangos infiltrated the most intimate parts of his victims' lives and scarred them for a lifetime.

I only hope in prison he finds the real meaning of "Sextortion".

In one instance, court documents show, Mijangos was listening through a computer microphone as a woman spoke to police about threats he had made toward her and her then-boyfriend. Mijangos followed through on his threat at least once by posting naked pictures of one of his victims online, authorities said.

Listening as she talked with Police? This guy is creepy...

Mijangos acknowledged to FBI agents that he hacked the computers but said he did so at the request of the victims' boyfriends and husbands to determine whether the victims were cheating on them, authorities said.

Oh, you were just trying to help some people out.

I hope the judge makes an example out of this guy.

Warning to all parents. These perverts are out there.

Just because you are not using your PC's camera.

Do not assume nobody is using it.

edit on 1-9-2011 by whyamIhere because: spelling

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:34 PM
Have fun with your new cell mate, Mijangos. I'm sure he will have fun with you.

On a side note: There are web cams with privacy shades you can manually slide over the lens. Can't hack your way around that..

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:37 PM
What is it with people's obsession with wishing rape/abuse on others?

Tell me what it accomplishes besides the proliferation of misery.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I think people are looking for justice.

The euphemisms are just venting of anger.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by whyamIhere
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

I think people are looking for justice.

The euphemisms are just venting of anger.


I only hope in prison he finds the real meaning of "Sextortion".

Have fun with your new cell mate, Mijangos. I'm sure he will have fun with you.

For justice?

And people wonder why the world is such a horrible place.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Never in my response did I say I wished rape on this man. I in fact do not, but I do however enjoy seeing him put behind bars. My comment was mainly in jest. Perhaps it was wrong of me to joke about it, but freedom of speech is mine to abuse..

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Euphemism is a substitution for an expression that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, using instead an agreeable or less offensive expression,[1] or to make it less troublesome for the speaker. Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others are created to mislead.

That's what I mean...

I only hope in prison he finds the real meaning of "Sextortion".

Are you trying to infer I meant rape?

That's a stretch...

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

What is it with people's obsession with wishing rape/abuse on others?

The OP never mentioned rape...The story never mentions it...Obsession...Really?


You call me out on a word I am clearly using in proper context?

And people wonder why the world is such a horrible place.

Maybe it's because people read exactly what they want.

Almost 8000 posts and all I get is a drive-by with insults?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:28 PM
i support what Thisguyrighthere said.

The first thing you hear about when someone mentions how a horrible person is going to jail is usually, "Well, I hope they like Bubba!".

Not to say that you are wishing rape on someone. But you have to wonder if our cavalier attitude about prison rape might be related to our piss poor handling of the concept of "crime" and the criminals it produces.

Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, if we are to remain silent on what seems wrong about how people are incarcerated, the next victim of our police state could be you.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Believe it or not I did not wish rape on anyone.

In no way did I express that I hoped the guy gets raped.

I would not wish that on anyone.

But you have to wonder if our cavalier attitude about prison rape might be related to our piss poor handling of the concept of "crime" and the criminals it produces.

Who's cavalier attitude were you talking about?

Mijangos acknowledged to FBI agents that he hacked the computers but said he did so at the request of the victims' boyfriends and husbands to determine whether the victims were cheating on them, authorities said.

The man in the story said he was helping people out....Not Extortion.

Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, if we are to remain silent on what seems wrong about how people are incarcerated, the next victim of our police state could be you.

And last but not least the Nazi reference...Wow, have to admit, I didn't think that was coming.

Lastly, Big shock you would come running to his defense.

I have seen the long time member "tag team" before.

Frankly, I expected a little more.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by whyamIhere
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Believe it or not I did not wish rape on anyone.

In no way did I express that I hoped the guy gets raped.

I would not wish that on anyone.

But you have to wonder if our cavalier attitude about prison rape might be related to our piss poor handling of the concept of "crime" and the criminals it produces.

Who's cavalier attitude were you talking about?

Mijangos acknowledged to FBI agents that he hacked the computers but said he did so at the request of the victims' boyfriends and husbands to determine whether the victims were cheating on them, authorities said.

The man in the story said he was helping people out....Not Extortion.

Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, if we are to remain silent on what seems wrong about how people are incarcerated, the next victim of our police state could be you.

And last but not least the Nazi reference...Wow, have to admit, I didn't think that was coming.

Lastly, Big shock you would come running to his defense.

I have seen the long time member "tag team" before.

Frankly, I expected a little more.

My friend, you are barking up the wrong tree. The "long time member tag team" is an ad hominem meant to discredit my words. You did a fine job discussing up to that point.

I am not comparing anyone to Nazi's, so cool your jets. The Nazi's had some events happen that are relevant. We cannot allow the further ad hominem of discussing Nazi's as being "low brow" or a "cheap shot" to detract from the value of the lessons learned from them.

Regardless, my post was not a condemnation of any member. Rather, it was a condemnation on humanity in general. We all share this particular form of "ugly".

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Fair enough...

I meant no disrespect.

I started a thread that might be of value to some.

I felt attacked and the issue got turned into a debate about prison rape.

Which I hope nobody would condone.

No hard feelings....It's a cold cruel world out there (not insulting any Eskimo's).

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Now THAT was funny. Although Inuits may take offense to "Eskimo" (for some reason that I am too dense to understand).

I have a stance that borders on anarchy. I have seen what prisons have done to our nation. We tout ourselves as "the Land Of The Free", yet imprison (by far) more of our populace than any other nation on Earth. Both in total numbers, and per capita.

Today I was talking with someone I know. Since i associate with all types, it was unsurprising to hear this person lament the outlawing of an "alternative herbal compound" that began today. The brand name he was looking for was called "Darkness", and as of today it is a felony to possess it.

Does it not seem silly, this whole song and dance? We have the drugs that are illegal, and now legal alternatives are being outlawed as they are concocted. So, with each new chemists creation, we get a new set of laws to outlaw said creation. Does it not seem pointless, inefficient, and stupid?

And don't even get me started on what the "legal alternatives" are doing to the public health.

Where does the sanity begin? The above story didn't even affect me (as i don't like intoxicants), but it pisses me off nonetheless. It seems that daily I loathe my nation more and more for what it isn't: free.

Of course, I bring that up and I am usually lambsted with "If you don't like it, move. No where is better". That is, in essense, telling me that I have to just settle for craptacular, rather than demanding excellence.

I make it a habit to demand excellence.

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