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Mass brawl at theme park after Muslim women are banned from going on rides unless they remove their

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
And yet another "conspiracy spin" layer...

Were Muslim agent provocateurs involved?

Could be.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Headscarves could easily pose a safety threat in an amusement park. The scarf could become caught in the mechanical aspects of the ride and cause derailment, decapitation, or any number of dangerous conditions.

The owner of the park has every right to set the rules of behavior and conduct in his park. Why would you criticize him for having safety rules in place to insure the park's attending guests are safe and happy with their experience? It is his park and they are therefore his rules to make.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Highergrounds

If the ride requires the removal of headgear, riding said ride is clearly against their religion. Safety concerns do not change according to the religious text one follows. End of story.

Their religion requires them to put aside many worldy pleasure, I'm sure they can include riding a roller coaster if they so chose.

Besides I'm sure the Teacups are about as wild as Allah would of wanted his people to go.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

I agree with you ... surely if it was the case that they indeed did not want to remove their headwear just because of their religion a mere rollercoaster surely stands no chance ...

that is why I am at the conclusion that this is nothing to do with their religion and infact, they are just making a scene and using that as a scape goat

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by thedeadlyrhythm

im not sure how much ignorance there really is in this thread considering 2 security guards ended up in the hospital. then the muslim patrons claimed 'police brutality'. id say that tidbit of info says quite a bit.

OK... Let’s give a hypothetical situation...

Let’s say that there was a couple of rough white family’s at the funfair. They are asked to remove their hats, for safety reasons, and an argument and brawl ensues.

Outrageous? Yes
Unacceptable? Of course

You then go on ATS to find comments like...

"Those whites should be deported"
"I didn’t think whites were allowed on roller coasters"
"What’s the problem with these dumb white war mongers"

You don’t think that would be ignorant stereotyping???

find me one article that stated this and i will argue the point for you. the fact is this does not happen because white people dont do that. neither do black people for that matter. yes we have some "flash mobs" that are primarly black but im sure there is some white in there also. the fact is you see this everyday with muslims because they feel as though everyone else has to bow to their demands and religion whether you want to or not. it is a messed up situtaion all around and it is a hate filled practice. they may be a religion of love but that is only if you are also a muslim. it is a nature of hate to all others that are "against" you. i cant wait for this to happen in louisiana. but i think it will be a long time coming simply because us "backwoods hicks" wont put up with this mess!

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Hmm...all this is happening just when Sep 11 is around the corner? Just a WAG

Emotions and Tempers are running high as usual around the anniversary of 9/11?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by nusnus

yes, but this is not the same at all. you cant make safety exceptions for some people, just because they're gonna flip and cause a scene if you don't.screw that. you cant put people at risk just to appease someone. not to mention she did this knowingly, with an agenda for this to be the circus it is.

Originally posted by nusnus
Hmmm, Middle Easterns don't appreciate it if they pay to get in and can't ride the rides

I mean, thats probably why the whole argument started.

Man:" I paid to get in here you can't do this!!"

Attendee:"Yes I can, I don't care if you paid!"

-boot to the head-

um, no. this was a huge group, it was known that they were coming in, and they were told ahead of time that the head scarves would have to be removed for certain rides, or they would not be able to ride those particular ones.

talk about grasping at straws. aww poor you getting 'trampled' on these forums. it's honestly ridiculous that you'd say that, as if people that disagree with you are somehow racists. im no racist. i'm accepting of everyone.
but the fact is, if i showed up wearing a long ass ponytail, and they said i couldnt ride, and i made a big scene saying, "no! this is my religion! my beliefs state that i cannot tuck away this ponytail it must be showing at all times!"
they would say, "uh, ok, then you can't ride the ride.'
and i would be out of luck. because it's their ride, their park, and their property, and they are liable if i get hurt. if i made a huge scene and made them out to be intolerant, i would be at fault, not them. and i would have pretty freaking big sense of entitlement to think that i somehow deserve to be given special treatment.

and again, 2 security guards in the hospital, i'm sure it was the muslims getting beaten.
edit on 1-9-2011 by thedeadlyrhythm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by skeptic93
wow, its sad to see all of these members bashing Muslims while the mods do nothing about it, blaitant hypocrisy in my opinion, but really we all act like this wasn't a negotiable situation...cant we just say both parties were at fault? Honestly how hard is it to secure the hijab so there are no segments flailing around?? what i just cant believe is how many bigots are on this of all *-*-*-*-*-*-* places..really? gtfo

No One is bashing Muslims mate, I have Muslim friends and personally have no issue at all with them or their religion at all.

Why call us Bigots too, these people have been asked to do something and they felt persecuted and used religion to 'try' and back their protests up, out of all the crap thats going on in the world - it seems that the Muslim religion is one at the centre pretty much all of the time.

Oh and mind your language fella - Disguising or not

Originally posted by derpif
That doesn't justify the calls for them to 'go home'.

No one is calling for 'Muslims' to go home, just those that feel that by being of Muslim faith gives them more rights than any one else and that think that being a Muslim means they do not have to follow the rules.
edit on 1-9-2011 by StarTraveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Oh comon'.... scarfs a healthy threat? Really?

Nothing but a racist park owner who plays "empire" in his little park by showing that he can do whatever he wants there...

How is it racist?

Do you know exactly what race those muslims were?

Or are you being preposterous and jerking your knees irrationally?
edit on 1-9-2011 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by fooks

I don't know if the moderators will remove this but I find your remarks to be insensitive to one's it would occur; something like 3 billion people in the world practice the faith known as Islam and Ramadan has just ended and to celebrate these people of God(in scripture and truth) that is were singled out and dealt with unfairly as I am to interpret it. You sound uneducated and frankly speaking might not be of importance to future times ahead. I still don't wish ill upon you. The head scarf can be worn flush to the head which would have solved the issue

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by JROCK2527

You make a lot of sense to me...every theme park has rules....there were 3,000 Muslim's there that day. The rules are for everyone and applied to everyone....they were not willing to obey the then don't get on the ride then. TPTB at the theme park said they could have a refund. So...they had 2 choices either take off their head gear and ride the ride...or....keep their head gear on and get a refund.

Also...before they ever arrived at the theme park...they were advised of the rules...that being...they would not be allowed to wear anything on their heads when going on rides.....they knew this ahead of time.

I think they made trouble on get in the press.....and promote....oh whoa is me....I am a Muslim and I am being persecuted.

And the guards etc. were wrong for their strong physical actions too....both sides of this issue behaved badly.

By the way...I have no issues personally with Muslims....I believe...what an individuals personal spiritual beliefs are...are their business...and everyone has the right to believe as they choose.

A theme park...needs to have safety rules...and they need to be enforced for everyone....what your spiritual belief system is...has nothing to do with theme park rules.

edit on 1-9-2011 by caladonea because: add more

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:52 PM
what a load of bull !
so people with Long hair can not use the ride?
I dont like a lot the muslims do. but this?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by SamuraiCentury
reply to post by fooks

I don't know if the moderators will remove this but I find your remarks to be insensitive to one's it would occur; something like 3 billion people in the world practice the faith known as Islam and Ramadan has just ended and to celebrate these people of God(in scripture and truth) that is were singled out and dealt with unfairly as I am to interpret it. You sound uneducated and frankly speaking might not be of importance to future times ahead. I still don't wish ill upon you. The head scarf can be worn flush to the head which would have solved the issue

Oh please. If one of those muslims headscarves had been caught in the mechanism of a ride and killed a person or derailed a ride or a hundred other things, would you be saying it's okay - because these people are of God (in scripture and truth) - so the health and safety doesn't apply to them?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm
if i showed up wearing a long ass ponytail, and they said i couldnt ride, and i made a big scene saying, "no! this is my religion! my beliefs state that i cannot tuck away this ponytail it must be showing at all times!"
they would say, "uh, ok, then you can't ride the ride.'
and i would be out of luck.

True indeed, my level headed chum.

Bottom of the line! People crying "racist" need to check themselves.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:58 PM
to all those talking sense in this thread, take a breath. you can explain things to anyone, but some will never, ever get it logically and impartially.
i'd imagine it's doubly hard if you are raised under the notion that your religion is the only thing that is pure and everyone else in the world who lives by any other creed is scum. and that goes for muslims, christians, and anyone else who thinks that way. and there are TONS of people who do.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Reminds me of the fuss made when a Sikh was allowed to ride a motorcycle without a helmet because of his turban and another Sikh gentleman who had the same trouble upon joining the police force and not being able to wear the standard issue helmet for the same reason.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by fooks
isn't riding roller coasters against islam anyway?

being at the theme park has to be a violation, at least!

when was the last time you saw nuns on one?

Depends if music is being played in the vicinity XD

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:42 PM
None of you police-state lovers have explained how or why a SCARF would cause any danger to anybody, whatsover. The very unlikely scenario that it got sucked into a wheel or something is the only thing I can think of. But as far as endangering the passengers, whats it gonna do flap in their face and make them have a heart attack? This is America ffs people do what they want if it isn't blatantly putting others in danger and I don't see how a scarf does that, its not like you are super glueing quarters to the roller coaster tracks.

edit: I guess its a possibility, albeit a slim one. The wheels should have some sort of cover over them to prevent birds and stuff duplicating this kind of thing. If Fabio can get hit by a bird in the Nose then whose to say a bird cant fly in the wheels. There should be safeguards in place, as for the chain that pulls the roller coaster up to the top, thats a different story.
edit on 9/1/2011 by smarterthanyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by smarterthanyou

'Meh... take it up with the insurance companies.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by smarterthanyou
None of you police-state lovers have explained how or why a SCARF would cause any danger to anybody, whatsover. The very unlikely scenario that it got sucked into a wheel or something is the only thing I can think of. But as far as endangering the passengers, whats it gonna do flap in their face and make them have a heart attack? This is America ffs people do what they want if it isn't blatantly putting others in danger and I don't see how a scarf does that, its not like you are super glueing quarters to the roller coaster tracks.

edit: I guess its a possibility, albeit a slim one. The wheels should have some sort of cover over them to prevent birds and stuff duplicating this kind of thing. If Fabio can get hit by a bird in the Nose then whose to say a bird cant fly in the wheels. There should be safeguards in place, as for the chain that pulls the roller coaster up to the top, thats a different story.
edit on 9/1/2011 by smarterthanyou because: (no reason given)

No win no fee. Thats a clue as to why health and safety is soooooooooooooooo important.
edit on 1-9-2011 by SearchLightsInc because: I put "No win to fee" not what i meant, obv

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